Gary Munnelly


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Multilinguality in the VIGILANT project
Brendan Spillane | Carolina Scarton | Robert Moro | Petar Ivanov | Andrey Tagarev | Jakub Simko | Ibrahim Abu Farha | Gary Munnelly | Filip Uhlárik | Freddy Heppell
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 2)

VIGILANT (Vital IntelliGence to Investigate ILlegAl DisiNformaTion) is a three-year Horizon Europe project that will equip European Law Enforcement Agencies (LEAs) with advanced disinformation detection and analysis tools to investigate and prevent criminal activities linked to disinformation. These include disinformation instigating violence towards minorities, promoting false medical cures, and increasing tensions between groups causing civil unrest and violent acts. VIGILANT’s four LEAs require support for English, Spanish, Catalan, Greek, Estonian, Romanian and Russian. Therefore, multilinguality is a major challenge and we present the current status of our tools and our plans to improve their performance.