Gita Sukthankar


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Improving the Generalizability of Collaborative Dialogue Analysis With Multi-Feature Embeddings
Ayesha Enayet | Gita Sukthankar
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Conflict prediction in communication is integral to the design of virtual agents that support successful teamwork by providing timely assistance. The aim of our research is to analyze discourse to predict collaboration success. Unfortunately, resource scarcity is a problem that teamwork researchers commonly face since it is hard to gather a large number of training examples. To alleviate this problem, this paper introduces a multi-feature embedding (MFeEmb) that improves the generalizability of conflict prediction models trained on dialogue sequences. MFeEmb leverages textual, structural, and semantic information from the dialogues by incorporating lexical, dialogue acts, and sentiment features. The use of dialogue acts and sentiment features reduces performance loss from natural distribution shifts caused mainly by changes in vocabulary. This paper demonstrates the performance of MFeEmb on domain adaptation problems in which the model is trained on discourse from one task domain and applied to predict team performance in a different domain. The generalizability of MFeEmb is quantified using the similarity measure proposed by Bontonou et al. (2021). Our results show that MFeEmb serves as an excellent domain-agnostic representation for meta-pretraining a few-shot model on collaborative multiparty dialogues.


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An Analysis of Dialogue Act Sequence Similarity Across Multiple Domains
Ayesha Enayet | Gita Sukthankar
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

This paper presents an analysis of how dialogue act sequences vary across different datasets in order to anticipate the potential degradation in the performance of learned models during domain adaptation. We hypothesize the following: 1) dialogue sequences from related domains will exhibit similar n-gram frequency distributions 2) this similarity can be expressed by measuring the average Hamming distance between subsequences drawn from different datasets. Our experiments confirm that when dialogue acts sequences from two datasets are dissimilar they lie further away in embedding space, making it possible to train a classifier to discriminate between them even when the datasets are corrupted with noise. We present results from eight different datasets: SwDA, AMI (DialSum), GitHub, Hate Speech, Teams, Diplomacy Betrayal, SAMsum, and Military (Army). Our datasets were collected from many types of human communication including strategic planning, informal discussion, and social media exchanges. Our methodology provides intuition on the generalizability of dialogue models trained on different datasets. Based on our analysis, it is problematic to assume that machine learning models trained on one type of discourse will generalize well to other settings, due to contextual differences.