Gourab Kumar Patro
TIGQA: An Expert-Annotated Question-Answering Dataset in Tigrinya
Hailay Kidu Teklehaymanot
Dren Fazlija
Niloy Ganguly
Gourab Kumar Patro
Wolfgang Nejdl
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
The absence of explicitly tailored, accessible annotated datasets for educational purposes presents a notable obstacle for NLP tasks in languages with limited resources. This study initially explores the feasibility of using machine translation (MT) to convert an existing dataset into a Tigrinya dataset in SQuAD format. As a result, we present TIGQA, an expert-annotated dataset containing 2,685 question-answer pairs covering 122 diverse topics such as climate, water, and traffic. These pairs are from 537 context paragraphs in publicly accessible Tigrinya and Biology books. Through comprehensive analyses, we demonstrate that the TIGQA dataset requires skills beyond simple word matching, requiring both single-sentence and multiple-sentence inference abilities. We conduct experiments using state-of-the-art MRC methods, marking the first exploration of such models on TIGQA. Additionally, we estimate human performance on the dataset and juxtapose it with the results obtained from pre-trained models. The notable disparities between human performance and the best model performance underscore the potential for fu- ture enhancements to TIGQA through continued research. Our dataset is freely accessible via the provided link to encourage the research community to address the challenges in the Tigrinya MRC. Keywords: Tigrinya QA dataset, Low resource QA dataset, domain specific QA