Guanyi Chen


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On the Human-level Performance of Visual Question Answering
Chenlian Zhou | Guanyi Chen | Xin Bai | Ming Dong
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Visual7W has been widely used in assessing multiple-choice visual question-answering (VQA) systems. This paper reports on a replicated human experiment on Visual7W with the aim of understanding the human-level performance of VQA. The replication was not entirely successful because human participants performed significantly worse when answering “where”, “when”, and “how” questions in compared to other question types. An error analysis discovered that the failure was a consequence of the non-deterministic distractors in Visual7W. GPT-4V was then evaluated using and was compared to the human-level performance. The results embody that, when evaluating models’ capacity on Visual7W, the performance is not necessarily the higher, the better.


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Intrinsic Task-based Evaluation for Referring Expression Generation
Guanyi Chen | Fahime Same | Kees Van Deemter
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Recently, a human evaluation study of Referring Expression Generation (REG) models had an unexpected conclusion: on WEBNLG, Referring Expressions (REs) generated by the state-of-the-art neural models were not only indistinguishable from the REs in WEBNLG but also from the REs generated by a simple rule-based system. Here, we argue that this limitation could stem from the use of a purely ratings-based human evaluation (which is a common practice in Natural Language Generation). To investigate these issues, we propose an intrinsic task-based evaluation for REG models, in which, in addition to rating the quality of REs, participants were asked to accomplish two meta-level tasks. One of these tasks concerns the referential success of each RE; the other task asks participants to suggest a better alternative for each RE. The outcomes suggest that, in comparison to previous evaluations, the new evaluation protocol assesses the performance of each REG model more comprehensively and makes the participants’ ratings more reliable and discriminable.

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Computational Modelling of Plurality and Definiteness in Chinese Noun Phrases
Yuqi Liu | Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Theoretical linguists have suggested that some languages (e.g., Chinese and Japanese) are “cooler” than other languages based on the observation that the intended meaning of phrases in these languages depends more on their contexts. As a result, many expressions in these languages are shortened, and their meaning is inferred from the context. In this paper, we focus on the omission of the plurality and definiteness markers in Chinese noun phrases (NPs) to investigate the predictability of their intended meaning given the contexts. To this end, we built a corpus of Chinese NPs, each of which is accompanied by its corresponding context, and by labels indicating its singularity/plurality and definiteness/indefiniteness. We carried out corpus assessments and analyses. The results suggest that Chinese speakers indeed drop plurality and definiteness markers very frequently. Building on the corpus, we train a bank of computational models using both classic machine learning models and state-of-the-art pre-trained language models to predict the plurality and definiteness of each NP. We report on the performance of these models and analyse their behaviours.

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GPTEval: A Survey on Assessments of ChatGPT and GPT-4
Rui Mao | Guanyi Chen | Xulang Zhang | Frank Guerin | Erik Cambria
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

The emergence of ChatGPT has generated much speculation in the press about its potential to disrupt social and economic systems. Its astonishing language ability has aroused strong curiosity among scholars about its performance in different domains. There have been many studies evaluating the ability of ChatGPT and GPT-4 in different tasks and disciplines. However, a comprehensive review summarizing the collective assessment findings is lacking. The objective of this survey is to thoroughly analyze prior assessments of ChatGPT and GPT-4, focusing on its language and reasoning abilities, scientific knowledge, and ethical considerations. Furthermore, an examination of the existing evaluation methods is conducted, offering several recommendations for future research.


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Models of reference production: How do they withstand the test of time?
Fahime Same | Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter
Proceedings of the 16th International Natural Language Generation Conference

In recent years, many NLP studies have focused solely on performance improvement. In this work, we focus on the linguistic and scientific aspects of NLP. We use the task of generating referring expressions in context (REG-in-context) as a case study and start our analysis from GREC, a comprehensive set of shared tasks in English that addressed this topic over a decade ago. We ask what the performance of models would be if we assessed them (1) on more realistic datasets, and (2) using more advanced methods. We test the models using different evaluation metrics and feature selection experiments. We conclude that GREC can no longer be regarded as offering a reliable assessment of models’ ability to mimic human reference production, because the results are highly impacted by the choice of corpus and evaluation metrics. Our results also suggest that pre-trained language models are less dependent on the choice of corpus than classic Machine Learning models, and therefore make more robust class predictions.


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Non-neural Models Matter: a Re-evaluation of Neural Referring Expression Generation Systems
Fahime Same | Guanyi Chen | Kees Van Deemter
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

In recent years, neural models have often outperformed rule-based and classic Machine Learning approaches in NLG. These classic approaches are now often disregarded, for example when new neural models are evaluated. We argue that they should not be overlooked, since, for some tasks, well-designed non-neural approaches achieve better performance than neural ones. In this paper, the task of generating referring expressions in linguistic context is used as an example. We examined two very different English datasets (WEBNLG and WSJ), and evaluated each algorithm using both automatic and human evaluations. Overall, the results of these evaluations suggest that rule-based systems with simple rule sets achieve on-par or better performance on both datasets compared to state-of-the-art neural REG systems. In the case of the more realistic dataset, WSJ, a machine learning-based system with well-designed linguistic features performed best. We hope that our work can encourage researchers to consider non-neural models in future.

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Assessing Neural Referential Form Selectors on a Realistic Multilingual Dataset
Guanyi Chen | Fahime Same | Kees Van Deemter
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Evaluation and Comparison of NLP Systems

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Understanding the Use of Quantifiers in Mandarin
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: AACL-IJCNLP 2022

We introduce a corpus of short texts in Mandarin, in which quantified expressions figure prominently. We illustrate the significance of the corpus by examining the hypothesis (known as Huang’s “coolness” hypothesis) that speakers of East Asian Languages tend to speak more briefly but less informatively than, for example, speakers of West-European languages. The corpus results from an elicitation experiment in which participants were asked to describe abstract visual scenes. We compare the resulting corpus, called MQTUNA, with an English corpus that was collected using the same experimental paradigm. The comparison reveals that some, though not all, aspects of quantifier use support the above-mentioned hypothesis. Implications of these findings for the generation of quantified noun phrases are discussed.

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MMChat: Multi-Modal Chat Dataset on Social Media
Yinhe Zheng | Guanyi Chen | Xin Liu | Jian Sun
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Incorporating multi-modal contexts in conversation is an important step for developing more engaging dialogue systems. In this work, we explore this direction by introducing MMChat: a large scale Chinese multi-modal dialogue corpus (32.4M raw dialogues and 120.84K filtered dialogues). Unlike previous corpora that are crowd-sourced or collected from fictitious movies, MMChat contains image-grounded dialogues collected from real conversations on social media, in which the sparsity issue is observed. Specifically, image-initiated dialogues in common communications may deviate to some non-image-grounded topics as the conversation proceeds. To better investigate this issue, we manually annotate 100K dialogues from MMChat and further filter the corpus accordingly, which yields MMChat-hf. We develop a benchmark model to address the sparsity issue in dialogue generation tasks by adapting the attention routing mechanism on image features. Experiments demonstrate the usefulness of incorporating image features and the effectiveness in handling the sparsity of image features.

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DrivingBeacon: Driving Behaviour Change Support System Considering Mobile Use and Geo-information
Jawwad Baig | Guanyi Chen | Chenghua Lin | Ehud Reiter
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Natural Language Generation in Healthcare

Natural Language Generation has been proved to be effective and efficient in constructing health behaviour change support systems. We are working on DrivingBeacon, a behaviour change support system that uses telematics data from mobile phone sensors to generate weekly data-to-text feedback reports to vehicle drivers. The system makes use of a wealth of information such as mobile phone use while driving, geo-information, speeding, rush hour driving to generate the feedback. We present results from a real-world evaluation where 8 drivers in UK used DrivingBeacon for 4 weeks. Results are promising but not conclusive.


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What can Neural Referential Form Selectors Learn?
Guanyi Chen | Fahime Same | Kees van Deemter
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Despite achieving encouraging results, neural Referring Expression Generation models are often thought to lack transparency. We probed neural Referential Form Selection (RFS) models to find out to what extent the linguistic features influencing the RE form are learned and captured by state-of-the-art RFS models. The results of 8 probing tasks show that all the defined features were learned to some extent. The probing tasks pertaining to referential status and syntactic position exhibited the highest performance. The lowest performance was achieved by the probing models designed to predict discourse structure properties beyond the sentence level.

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Using BERT for choosing classifiers in Mandarin
Jani Järnfors | Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter | Rint Sybesma
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Choosing the most suitable classifier in a linguistic context is a well-known problem in the production of Mandarin and many other languages. The present paper proposes a solution based on BERT, compares this solution to previous neural and rule-based models, and argues that the BERT model performs particularly well on those difficult cases where the classifier adds information to the text.

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Affective Decoding for Empathetic Response Generation
Chengkun Zeng | Guanyi Chen | Chenghua Lin | Ruizhe Li | Zhi Chen
Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Understanding speaker’s feelings and producing appropriate responses with emotion connection is a key communicative skill for empathetic dialogue systems. In this paper, we propose a simple technique called Affective Decoding for empathetic response generation. Our method can effectively incorporate emotion signals during each decoding step, and can additionally be augmented with an auxiliary dual emotion encoder, which learns separate embeddings for the speaker and listener given the emotion base of the dialogue. Extensive empirical studies show that our models are perceived to be more empathetic by human evaluations, in comparison to several strong mainstream methods for empathetic responding.

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Highly Efficient Knowledge Graph Embedding Learning with Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis
Xutan Peng | Guanyi Chen | Chenghua Lin | Mark Stevenson
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGEs) have been intensively explored in recent years due to their promise for a wide range of applications. However, existing studies focus on improving the final model performance without acknowledging the computational cost of the proposed approaches, in terms of execution time and environmental impact. This paper proposes a simple yet effective KGE framework which can reduce the training time and carbon footprint by orders of magnitudes compared with state-of-the-art approaches, while producing competitive performance. We highlight three technical innovations: full batch learning via relational matrices, closed-form Orthogonal Procrustes Analysis for KGEs, and non-negative-sampling training. In addition, as the first KGE method whose entity embeddings also store full relation information, our trained models encode rich semantics and are highly interpretable. Comprehensive experiments and ablation studies involving 13 strong baselines and two standard datasets verify the effectiveness and efficiency of our algorithm.


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Improving Variational Autoencoder for Text Modelling with Timestep-Wise Regularisation
Ruizhe Li | Xiao Li | Guanyi Chen | Chenghua Lin
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Computational Linguistics

The Variational Autoencoder (VAE) is a popular and powerful model applied to text modelling to generate diverse sentences. However, an issue known as posterior collapse (or KL loss vanishing) happens when the VAE is used in text modelling, where the approximate posterior collapses to the prior, and the model will totally ignore the latent variables and be degraded to a plain language model during text generation. Such an issue is particularly prevalent when RNN-based VAE models are employed for text modelling. In this paper, we propose a simple, generic architecture called Timestep-Wise Regularisation VAE (TWR-VAE), which can effectively avoid posterior collapse and can be applied to any RNN-based VAE models. The effectiveness and versatility of our model are demonstrated in different tasks, including language modelling and dialogue response generation.

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DGST: a Dual-Generator Network for Text Style Transfer
Xiao Li | Guanyi Chen | Chenghua Lin | Ruizhe Li
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

We propose DGST, a novel and simple Dual-Generator network architecture for text Style Transfer. Our model employs two generators only, and does not rely on any discriminators or parallel corpus for training. Both quantitative and qualitative experiments on the Yelp and IMDb datasets show that our model gives competitive performance compared to several strong baselines with more complicated architecture designs.

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Listener’s Social Identity Matters in Personalised Response Generation
Guanyi Chen | Yinhe Zheng | Yupei Du
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Personalised response generation enables generating human-like responses by means of assigning the generator a social identity. However, pragmatics theory suggests that human beings adjust the way of speaking based on not only who they are but also whom they are talking to. In other words, when modelling personalised dialogues, it might be favourable if we also take the listener’s social identity into consideration. To validate this idea, we use gender as a typical example of a social variable to investigate how the listener’s identity influences the language used in Chinese dialogues on social media. Also, we build personalised generators. The experiment results demonstrate that the listener’s identity indeed matters in the language use of responses and that the response generator can capture such differences in language use. More interestingly, by additionally modelling the listener’s identity, the personalised response generator performs better in its own identity.

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Lessons from Computational Modelling of Reference Production in Mandarin and English
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Referring expression generation (REG) algorithms offer computational models of the production of referring expressions. In earlier work, a corpus of referring expressions (REs) in Mandarin was introduced. In the present paper, we annotate this corpus, evaluate classic REG algorithms on it, and compare the results with earlier results on the evaluation of REG for English referring expressions. Next, we offer an in-depth analysis of the corpus, focusing on issues that arise from the grammar of Mandarin. We discuss shortcomings of previous REG evaluations that came to light during our investigation and we highlight some surprising results. Perhaps most strikingly, we found a much higher proportion of under-specified expressions than previous studies had suggested, not just in Mandarin but in English as well.

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Gradations of Error Severity in Automatic Image Descriptions
Emiel van Miltenburg | Wei-Ting Lu | Emiel Krahmer | Albert Gatt | Guanyi Chen | Lin Li | Kees van Deemter
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Earlier research has shown that evaluation metrics based on textual similarity (e.g., BLEU, CIDEr, Meteor) do not correlate well with human evaluation scores for automatically generated text. We carried out an experiment with Chinese speakers, where we systematically manipulated image descriptions to contain different kinds of errors. Because our manipulated descriptions form minimal pairs with the reference descriptions, we are able to assess the impact of different kinds of errors on the perceived quality of the descriptions. Our results show that different kinds of errors elicit significantly different evaluation scores, even though all erroneous descriptions differ in only one character from the reference descriptions. Evaluation metrics based solely on textual similarity are unable to capture these differences, which (at least partially) explains their poor correlation with human judgments. Our work provides the foundations for future work, where we aim to understand why different errors are seen as more or less severe.


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A Dual-Attention Hierarchical Recurrent Neural Network for Dialogue Act Classification
Ruizhe Li | Chenghua Lin | Matthew Collinson | Xiao Li | Guanyi Chen
Proceedings of the 23rd Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning (CoNLL)

Recognising dialogue acts (DA) is important for many natural language processing tasks such as dialogue generation and intention recognition. In this paper, we propose a dual-attention hierarchical recurrent neural network for DA classification. Our model is partially inspired by the observation that conversational utterances are normally associated with both a DA and a topic, where the former captures the social act and the latter describes the subject matter. However, such a dependency between DAs and topics has not been utilised by most existing systems for DA classification. With a novel dual task-specific attention mechanism, our model is able, for utterances, to capture information about both DAs and topics, as well as information about the interactions between them. Experimental results show that by modelling topic as an auxiliary task, our model can significantly improve DA classification, yielding better or comparable performance to the state-of-the-art method on three public datasets.

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QTUNA: A Corpus for Understanding How Speakers Use Quantification
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter | Silvia Pagliaro | Louk Smalbil | Chenghua Lin
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

A prominent strand of work in formal semantics investigates the ways in which human languages quantify over the elements of a set, as when we say “All A are B”, “All except two A are B”, “Only a few of the A are B” and so on. Our aim is to build Natural Language Generation algorithms that mimic humans’ use of quantified expressions. To inform these algorithms, we conducted on a series of elicitation experiments in which human speakers were asked to perform a linguistic task that invites the use of quantified expressions. We discuss how these experiments were conducted and what corpora they gave rise to. We conduct an informal analysis of the corpora, and offer an initial assessment of the challenges that these corpora pose for Natural Language Generation. The dataset is available at:

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A Closer Look at Recent Results of Verb Selection for Data-to-Text NLG
Guanyi Chen | Jin-Ge Yao
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Automatic natural language generation systems need to use the contextually-appropriate verbs when describing different kinds of facts or events, which has triggered research interest on verb selection for data-to-text generation. In this paper, we discuss a few limitations of the current task settings and the evaluation metrics. We also provide two simple, efficient, interpretable baseline approaches for statistical selection of trend verbs, which give a strong performance on both previously used evaluation metrics and our new evaluation.

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Generating Quantified Descriptions of Abstract Visual Scenes
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter | Chenghua Lin
Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

Quantified expressions have always taken up a central position in formal theories of meaning and language use. Yet quantified expressions have so far attracted far less attention from the Natural Language Generation community than, for example, referring expressions. In an attempt to start redressing the balance, we investigate a recently developed corpus in which quantified expressions play a crucial role; the corpus is the result of a carefully controlled elicitation experiment, in which human participants were asked to describe visually presented scenes. Informed by an analysis of this corpus, we propose algorithms that produce computer-generated descriptions of a wider class of visual scenes, and we evaluate the descriptions generated by these algorithms in terms of their correctness, completeness, and human-likeness. We discuss what this exercise can teach us about the nature of quantification and about the challenges posed by the generation of quantified expressions.


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ABDN at SemEval-2018 Task 10: Recognising Discriminative Attributes using Context Embeddings and WordNet
Rui Mao | Guanyi Chen | Ruizhe Li | Chenghua Lin
Proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper describes the system that we submitted for SemEval-2018 task 10: capturing discriminative attributes. Our system is built upon a simple idea of measuring the attribute word’s similarity with each of the two semantically similar words, based on an extended word embedding method and WordNet. Instead of computing the similarities between the attribute and semantically similar words by using standard word embeddings, we propose a novel method that combines word and context embeddings which can better measure similarities. Our model is simple and effective, which achieves an average F1 score of 0.62 on the test set.

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SimpleNLG-ZH: a Linguistic Realisation Engine for Mandarin
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter | Chenghua Lin
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

We introduce SimpleNLG-ZH, a realisation engine for Mandarin that follows the software design paradigm of SimpleNLG (Gatt and Reiter, 2009). We explain the core grammar (morphology and syntax) and the lexicon of SimpleNLG-ZH, which is very different from English and other languages for which SimpleNLG engines have been built. The system was evaluated by regenerating expressions from a body of test sentences and a corpus of human-authored expressions. Human evaluation was conducted to estimate the quality of regenerated sentences.

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Modelling Pro-drop with the Rational Speech Acts Model
Guanyi Chen | Kees van Deemter | Chenghua Lin
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Natural Language Generation

We extend the classic Referring Expressions Generation task by considering zero pronouns in “pro-drop” languages such as Chinese, modelling their use by means of the Bayesian Rational Speech Acts model (Frank and Goodman, 2012). By assuming that highly salient referents are most likely to be referred to by zero pronouns (i.e., pro-drop is more likely for salient referents than the less salient ones), the model offers an attractive explanation of a phenomenon not previously addressed probabilistically.