Gunarso Gunarso


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An Overview of BPPT’s Indonesian Language Resources
Gunarso Gunarso | Hammam Riza
Proceedings of the 12th Workshop on Asian Language Resources (ALR12)

This paper describes various Indonesian language resources that Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology (BPPT) has developed and collected since mid 80’s when we joined MMTS (Multilingual Machine Translation System), an international project coordinated by CICC-Japan to develop a machine translation system for five Asian languages (Bahasa Indonesia, Malay, Thai, Japanese, and Chinese). Since then, we have been actively doing many types of research in the field of statistical machine translation, speech recognition, and speech synthesis which requires many text and speech corpus. Most recent cooperation within ASEAN-IVO is the development of Indonesian ALT (Asian Language Treebank) has added new NLP tools.