Héctor Ricardo Murrieta Bello
How far can we get with one GPU in 100 hours? CoAStaL at MultiIndicMT Shared Task
Rahul Aralikatte
Héctor Ricardo Murrieta Bello
Miryam de Lhoneux
Daniel Hershcovich
Marcel Bollmann
Anders Søgaard
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Asian Translation (WAT2021)
This work shows that competitive translation results can be obtained in a constrained setting by incorporating the latest advances in memory and compute optimization. We train and evaluate large multilingual translation models using a single GPU for a maximum of 100 hours and get within 4-5 BLEU points of the top submission on the leaderboard. We also benchmark standard baselines on the PMI corpus and re-discover well-known shortcomings of translation systems and metrics.