Hongyu Lin


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StructEval: Deepen and Broaden Large Language Model Assessment via Structured Evaluation
Boxi Cao | Mengjie Ren | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Feng Zhang | Junfeng Zhan | Le Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Evaluation is the baton for the development of large language models. Current evaluations typically employ a single-item assessment paradigm for each atomic test objective, which struggle to discern whether a model genuinely possesses the required capabilities or merely memorizes/guesses the answers to specific questions. To this end, this paper proposes a novel evaluation framework referred to as StructEval. Starting from an atomic test objective, StructEval deepens and broadens the evaluation by conducting a structured assessment across multiple cognitive levels and critical concepts, and therefore offers a comprehensive, robust and consistent evaluations for large language models. Experiments on three widely-used benchmarks demonstrate that StructEval serves as a reliable tool for resisting the risk of data contamination, and reducing the interference of potential biases, thereby providing a more reliable and consistent conclusion regarding model capabilities. Our framework also sheds light on the design of future principled and trustworthy LLM evaluation protocols.

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XMC-Agent : Dynamic Navigation over Scalable Hierarchical Index for Incremental Extreme Multi-label Classification
Yanjiang Liu | Tianyun Zhong | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Ben He | Shuheng Zhou | Huijia Zhu | Weiqiang Wang | Zhongyi Liu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The eXtreme Multi-label Classification (XMC) aims at accurately assigning large-scale labels to instances, and is challenging for learning, managing, and predicting over the large-scale and rapidly growing set of labels. Traditional XMC methods, like one-vs-all and tree-based methods struggle with the growing set of labels due to their static label assumptions, and embedding-based methods struggle with the complex mapping relationships due to their late-interaction paradigm. In this paper, we propose a large language model (LLM) powered agent framework for extreme multi-label classification – XMC-Agent, which can effectively learn, manage and predict the extremely large and dynamically increasing set of labels. Specifically, XMC-Agent models the extreme multi-label classification task as a dynamic navigation problem, employing a scalable hierarchical label index to effectively manage the unified label space. Additionally, we propose two algorithms to enhance the dynamic navigation capabilities of XMC-Agent: a self-construction algorithm for building the scalable hierarchical index, and an iterative feedback learning algorithm for adjusting the agent to specific tasks. Experiments show that XMC-Agentachieves the state-of-the-art performance on three standard datasets.

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REInstruct: Building Instruction Data from Unlabeled Corpus
Shu Chen | Xinyan Guan | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Manually annotating instruction data for large language models is difficult, costly, and hard to scale. Meanwhile, current automatic annotation methods typically rely on distilling synthetic data from proprietary LLMs, which not only limits the upper bound of the quality of the instruction data but also raises potential copyright issues. In this paper, we propose REInstruct, a simple and scalable method to automatically build instruction data from an unlabeled corpus without heavy reliance on proprietary LLMs and human annotation.Specifically, REInstruct first selects a subset of unlabeled texts that potentially contain well-structured helpful and insightful content and then generates instructions for these texts. To generate accurate and relevant responses for effective and robust training, REInstruct further proposes a rewriting-based approach to improve the quality of the generated instruction data. By training Llama-7b on a combination of 3k seed data and 32k synthetic data from REInstruct, fine-tuned model achieves a 65.41% win rate on AlpacaEval leaderboard against text-davinci-003, outperforming other open-source, non-distilled instruction data construction methods. The code is publicly available at https://github.com/cs32963/REInstruct.

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SoFA: Shielded On-the-fly Alignment via Priority Rule Following
Xinyu Lu | Bowen Yu | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Haiyang Yu | Le Sun | Xianpei Han | Yongbin Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

The alignment problem in Large Language Models (LLMs) involves adapting them to the broad spectrum of human values. This requirement challenges existing alignment methods due to diversity of preferences and regulatory standards. This paper introduces a novel alignment paradigm, priority rule following, which defines rules as the primary control mechanism in each dialog, prioritizing them over user instructions. Our preliminary analysis reveals that even the advanced LLMs, such as GPT-4, exhibit shortcomings in understanding and prioritizing the rules. Therefore, we present PriorityDistill, a semi-automated approach for distilling priority following signals from LLM simulations to ensure robust rule integration and adherence. Our experiments show that this method not only effectively minimizes misalignments utilizing only one general rule but also adapts smoothly to various unseen rules, ensuring they are shielded from hijacking and that the model responds appropriately.

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Debiasing In-Context Learning by Instructing LLMs How to Follow Demonstrations
Lvxue Li | Jiaqi Chen | Xinyu Lu | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Shuheng Zhou | Huijia Zhu | Weiqiang Wang | Zhongyi Liu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

In-context learning(ICL) has gained considerable attention due to its data efficiency and task adaptability. Unfortunately, ICL suffers from the demonstration bias, i.e., its performance and robustness are severely affected by the selection and ordering of demonstrations. In this paper, we identify that such demonstration bias may primarily stem from the semantic ambiguity induced by demonstrations, i.e., a demonstration may indicate multiple input-to-label mappings and its mapping can be interpreted differently in different contexts by LLMs. Such semantic ambiguity disrupts task comprehension during ICL and results in performance fluctuations. To resolve the semantic ambiguity problem, this paper further proposes two de-biasing strategies to mitigate demonstration bias in in-context learning. Experiments on six datasets show that our methods can effectively alleviate demonstration bias and significantly improve task performance.

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Rule or Story, Which is a Better Commonsense Expression for Talking with Large Language Models?
Ning Bian | Xianpei Han | Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Ben He | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Building machines with commonsense has been a longstanding challenge in NLP due to the reporting bias of commonsense rules and the exposure bias of rule-based commonsense reasoning. In contrast, humans convey and pass down commonsense implicitly through stories. This paper investigates the inherent commonsense ability of large language models (LLMs) expressed through storytelling. We systematically investigate and compare stories and rules for retrieving and leveraging commonsense in LLMs. Experimental results on 28 commonsense QA datasets show that stories outperform rules as the expression for retrieving commonsense from LLMs, exhibiting higher generation confidence and commonsense accuracy. Moreover, stories are the more effective commonsense expression for answering questions regarding daily events, while rules are more effective for scientific questions. This aligns with the reporting bias of commonsense in text corpora. We further show that the correctness and relevance of commonsense stories can be further improved via iterative self-supervised fine-tuning. These findings emphasize the importance of using appropriate language to express, retrieve, and leverage commonsense for LLMs, highlighting a promising direction for better exploiting their commonsense abilities.

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Open Grounded Planning: Challenges and Benchmark Construction
Shiguang Guo | Ziliang Deng | Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The emergence of large language models (LLMs) has increasingly drawn attention to the use of LLMs for human-like planning. Existing work on LLM-based planning either focuses on leveraging the inherent language generation capabilities of LLMs to produce free-style plans, or employs reinforcement learning approaches to learn decision-making for a limited set of actions within restricted environments. However, both approaches exhibit significant discrepancies from the open and executable requirements in real-world planning. In this paper, we propose a new planning task–open grounded planning. The primary objective of open grounded planning is to ask the model to generate an executable plan based on a variable action set, thereby ensuring the executability of the produced plan. To this end, we establishes a benchmark for open grounded planning spanning a wide range of domains. Then we test current state-of-the-art LLMs along with five planning approaches, revealing that existing LLMs and methods still struggle to address the challenges posed by grounded planning in open domains. The outcomes of this paper define and establish a foundational dataset for open grounded planning, and shed light on the potential challenges and future directions of LLM-based planning.

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Learning or Self-aligning? Rethinking Instruction Fine-tuning
Mengjie Ren | Boxi Cao | Hongyu Lin | Cao Liu | Xianpei Han | Ke Zeng | Wan Guanglu | Xunliang Cai | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Instruction Fine-tuning (IFT) is a crucial phase in building large language models (LLMs). Previous works mainly focus on the IFT’s role in the transfer of behavioral norms and the learning of additional world knowledge. However, the understanding of the underlying mechanisms of IFT remains significantly limited. In this paper, we design a knowledge intervention framework to decouple the potential underlying factors of IFT, thereby enabling individual analysis of different factors. Surprisingly, our experiments reveal that attempting to learn additional world knowledge through IFT often struggles to yield positive impacts and can even lead to markedly negative effects. Further, we discover that maintaining internal knowledge consistency before and after IFT is a critical factor for achieving successful IFT. Our findings reveal the underlying mechanisms of IFT and provide robust support for some very recent and potential future works.

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Spiral of Silence: How is Large Language Model Killing Information Retrieval?—A Case Study on Open Domain Question Answering
Xiaoyang Chen | Ben He | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Tianshu Wang | Boxi Cao | Le Sun | Yingfei Sun
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The practice of Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG), which integrates Large Language Models (LLMs) with retrieval systems, has become increasingly prevalent. However, the repercussions of LLM-derived content infiltrating the web and influencing the retrieval-generation feedback loop are largely uncharted territories. In this study, we construct and iteratively run a simulation pipeline to deeply investigate the short-term and long-term effects of LLM text on RAG systems. Taking the trending Open Domain Question Answering (ODQA) task as a point of entry, our findings reveal a potential digital “Spiral of Silence” effect, with LLM-generated text consistently outperforming human-authored content in search rankings, thereby diminishing the presence and impact of human contributions online. This trend risks creating an imbalanced information ecosystem, where the unchecked proliferation of erroneous LLM-generated content may result in the marginalization of accurate information. We urge the academic community to take heed of this potential issue, ensuring a diverse and authentic digital information landscape.

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Beyond Full Fine-tuning: Harnessing the Power of LoRA for Multi-Task Instruction Tuning
Chunlei Xin | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Shuheng Zhou | Huijia Zhu | Weiqiang Wang | Zhongyi Liu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) is a widespread parameter-efficient fine-tuning algorithm for large-scale language models. It has been commonly accepted that LoRA mostly achieves promising results in single-task, low-resource settings, and struggles to handle multi-task instruction tuning scenarios. In this paper, we conduct a systematic study of LoRA on diverse tasks and rich resources with different learning capacities, examining its performance on seen tasks during training and its cross-task generalization on unseen tasks. Our findings challenge the prevalent assumption that the limited learning capacity will inevitably result in performance decline. In fact, our study reveals that when configured with an appropriate rank, LoRA can achieve remarkable performance in high-resource and multi-task scenarios, even comparable to that achieved through full fine-tuning. It turns out that the constrained learning capacity encourages LoRA to prioritize conforming to instruction requirements rather than memorizing specialized features of particular tasks or instances. This study reveals the underlying connection between learning capacity and generalization capabilities for robust parameter-efficient fine-tuning, highlighting a promising direction for the broader application of LoRA across various tasks and settings.

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ChatGPT Is a Knowledgeable but Inexperienced Solver: An Investigation of Commonsense Problem in Large Language Models
Ning Bian | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Ben He | Shanshan Jiang | Bin Dong
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Large language models (LLMs) have made significant progress in NLP. However, their ability to memorize, represent, and leverage commonsense knowledge has been a well-known pain point. In this paper, we specifically focus on ChatGPT, a widely used and easily accessible LLM, and ask the following questions: (1) Can ChatGPT effectively answer commonsense questions? (2) Is ChatGPT aware of the underlying commonsense knowledge for answering a specific question? (3) Is ChatGPT knowledgeable in commonsense? (4) Can ChatGPT effectively leverage commonsense for answering questions? We conduct a series of experiments on 11 datasets to evaluate ChatGPT’s commonsense abilities, including answering commonsense questions, identifying necessary knowledge, generating knowledge descriptions, and using knowledge descriptions to answer questions again. Experimental results show that: (1) ChatGPT can achieve good QA accuracies in commonsense tasks, while still struggling with certain domains of datasets. (2) ChatGPT is knowledgeable, and can accurately generate most of the commonsense knowledge using knowledge prompts. (3) Despite its knowledge, ChatGPT is an inexperienced commonsense problem solver, which cannot precisely identify the needed commonsense for answering a specific question. These findings raise the need to explore improved mechanisms for effectively incorporating commonsense into LLMs like ChatGPT, such as better instruction following and commonsense guidance.

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Executing Natural Language-Described Algorithms with Large Language Models: An Investigation
Xin Zheng | Qiming Zhu | Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Executing computer programs described in natural language has long been a pursuit of computer science. With the advent of enhanced natural language understanding capabilities exhibited by large language models (LLMs), the path toward this goal has been illuminated. In this paper, we seek to examine the capacity of present-day LLMs to comprehend and execute algorithms outlined in natural language. We established an algorithm test set sourced from Introduction to Algorithm, a well-known textbook that contains many representative widely-used algorithms. To systematically assess LLMs’ code execution abilities, we selected 30 algorithms, generated 300 random-sampled instances in total, and evaluated whether popular LLMs can understand and execute these algorithms. Our findings reveal that LLMs, notably GPT-4, can effectively execute programs described in natural language, as long as no heavy numeric computation is involved. We believe our findings contribute to evaluating LLMs’ code execution abilities and would encourage further investigation and application for the computation power of LLMs.

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Few-shot Named Entity Recognition via Superposition Concept Discrimination
Jiawei Chen | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Yaojie Lu | Shanshan Jiang | Bin Dong | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Few-shot NER aims to identify entities of target types with only limited number of illustrative instances. Unfortunately, few-shot NER is severely challenged by the intrinsic precise generalization problem, i.e., it is hard to accurately determine the desired target type due to the ambiguity stemming from information deficiency. In this paper, we propose Superposition Concept Discriminator (SuperCD), which resolves the above challenge via an active learning paradigm. Specifically, a concept extractor is first introduced to identify superposition concepts from illustrative instances, with each concept corresponding to a possible generalization boundary. Then a superposition instance retriever is applied to retrieve corresponding instances of these superposition concepts from large-scale text corpus. Finally, annotators are asked to annotate the retrieved instances and these annotated instances together with original illustrative instances are used to learn FS-NER models. To this end, we learn a universal concept extractor and superposition instance retriever using a large-scale openly available knowledge bases. Experiments show that SuperCD can effectively identify superposition concepts from illustrative instances, retrieve superposition instances from large-scale corpus, and significantly improve the few-shot NER performance with minimal additional efforts.

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Meta-Cognitive Analysis: Evaluating Declarative and Procedural Knowledge in Datasets and Large Language Models
Zhuoqun Li | Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Hao Xiang | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge are two key parts in meta-cognitive theory, and these two hold significant importance in pre-training and inference of LLMs. However, a comprehensive analysis comparing these two types of knowledge is lacking, primarily due to challenges in definition, probing and quantitative assessment. In this paper, we explore from a new perspective by providing ground-truth knowledge for LLMs and evaluating the effective score. Through extensive experiments with widely-used datasets and models, we get conclusions: (1) In most tasks, benefits from declarative knowledge are greater than those from procedural knowledge. (2) Profits of procedural knowledge are larger than declarative knowledge only in reasoning tasks with simple logic. (3) As pre-training progresses and size increases, model ability to utilize both kinds of knowledge significantly improves, but in different speed. We do detailed analysis for the findings and this can provide primary guidance for evaluation and enhancement of large language models.

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Retentive or Forgetful? Diving into the Knowledge Memorizing Mechanism of Language Models
Boxi Cao | Qiaoyu Tang | Hongyu Lin | Shanshan Jiang | Bin Dong | Xianpei Han | Jiawei Chen | Tianshu Wang | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Memory is one of the most essential cognitive functions serving as a repository of world knowledge and episodes of activities. In recent years, large-scale pre-trained language models have shown remarkable memorizing ability. On the contrary, vanilla neural networks without pre-training have been long observed suffering from the catastrophic forgetting problem. To investigate such a retentive-forgetful contradiction and understand the memorizing dynamic mechanism of language models, we conduct thorough experiments by controlling the target knowledge types, the learning strategies and the learning schedules. We find that: 1) Vanilla language models without pre-training are forgetful; 2) Pre-training leads to retentive language models; 3) Knowledge relevance and diversification significantly influence the memory formation. These conclusions are useful for understanding the abilities of pre-trained language models and shed light on designing and evaluating new learning and inference algorithms of language models.


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Learning In-context Learning for Named Entity Recognition
Jiawei Chen | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Jie Lou | Wei Jia | Dai Dai | Hua Wu | Boxi Cao | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Named entity recognition in real-world applications suffers from the diversity of entity types, the emergence of new entity types, and the lack of high-quality annotations. To address the above problems, this paper proposes an in-context learning-based NER approach, which can effectively inject in-context NER ability into PLMs and recognize entities of novel types on-the-fly using only a few demonstrative instances. Specifically, we model PLMs as a meta-function Lambda_instruction, demonstrations, text.M, and a new entity extractor can be implicitly constructed by applying new instruction and demonstrations to PLMs, i.e., (Lambda . M) (instruction, demonstrations) ->F where F will be a new entity extractor F: text -> entities. To inject the above in-context NER ability into PLMs, we propose a meta-function pre-training algorithm, which pre-trains PLMs by comparing the (instruction, demonstration)-initialized extractor with a surrogate golden extractor. Experimental results on 4 few-shot NER datasets show that our method can effectively inject in-context NER ability into PLMs and significantly outperforms the PLMs+fine-tuning counterparts.

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Ambiguous Learning from Retrieval: Towards Zero-shot Semantic Parsing
Shan Wu | Chunlei Xin | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Cao Liu | Jiansong Chen | Fan Yang | Guanglu Wan | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Current neural semantic parsers take a supervised approach requiring a considerable amount of training data which is expensive and difficult to obtain. Thus, minimizing the supervision effort is one of the key challenges in semantic parsing. In this paper, we propose the Retrieval as Ambiguous Supervision framework, in which we construct a retrieval system based on pretrained language models to collect high-coverage candidates. Assuming candidates always contain the correct ones, we convert zero-shot task into ambiguously supervised task. To improve the precision and coverage of such ambiguous supervision, we propose a confidence-driven self-training algorithm, in which a semantic parser is learned and exploited to disambiguate the candidates iteratively. Experimental results show that our approach significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art zero-shot semantic parsing methods.

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WebDP: Understanding Discourse Structures in Semi-Structured Web Documents
Peilin Liu | Hongyu Lin | Meng Liao | Hao Xiang | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Web documents have become rich data resources in current era, and understanding their discourse structure will potentially benefit various downstream document processing applications. Unfortunately, current discourse analysis and document intelligence research mostly focus on either discourse structure of plain text or superficial visual structures in document, which cannot accurately describe discourse structure of highly free-styled and semi-structured web documents. To promote discourse studies on web documents, in this paper we introduced a benchmark – WebDP, orienting a new task named Web Document Discourse Parsing. Specifically, a web document discourse structure representation schema is proposed by extending classical discourse theories and adding special features to well represent discourse characteristics of web documents. Then, a manually annotated web document dataset – WEBDOCS is developed to facilitate the study of this parsing task. We compared current neural models on WEBDOCS and experimental results show that WebDP is feasible but also challenging for current models.

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Contrastive Distant Supervision for Debiased and Denoised Machine Reading Comprehension
Ning Bian | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Ben He | Le Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Distant Supervision (DS) is a promising learning approach for MRC by leveraging easily-obtained question-answer pairs. Unfortunately, the heuristically annotated dataset will inevitably lead to mislabeled instances, resulting in answer bias and context noise problems. To learn debiased and denoised MRC models, this paper proposes the Contrastive Distant Supervision algorithm – CDS, which can learn to distinguish confusing and noisy instances via confidence-aware contrastive learning. Specifically, to eliminate answer bias, CDS samples counterfactual negative instances, which ensures that MRC models must take both answer information and question-context interaction into consideration. To denoise distantly annotated contexts, CDS samples confusing negative instances to increase the margin between correct and mislabeled instances. We further propose a confidence-aware contrastive loss to model and leverage the uncertainty of all DS instances during learning. Experimental results show that CDS is effective and can even outperform supervised MRC models without manual annotations.

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Does the Correctness of Factual Knowledge Matter for Factual Knowledge-Enhanced Pre-trained Language Models?
Boxi Cao | Qiaoyu Tang | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In recent years, the injection of factual knowledge has been observed to have a significant positive correlation to the downstream task performance of pre-trained language models. However, existing work neither demonstrates that pre-trained models successfully learn the injected factual knowledge nor proves that there is a causal relation between injected factual knowledge and downstream performance improvements. In this paper, we introduce a counterfactual-based analysis framework to explore the causal effects of factual knowledge injection on the performance of language models within pretrain-finetune paradigm. Instead of directly probing the language model or exhaustively enumerating potential confounding factors, we analyze this issue by perturbing the factual knowledge sources at different scales and comparing the performance of pre-trained language models before and after the perturbation. Surprisingly, throughout our experiments, we find that although the knowledge seems to be successfully injected, the correctness of injected knowledge only has a very limited effect on the models’ downstream performance. This finding strongly challenges previous assumptions that the injected factual knowledge is the key for language models to achieve performance improvements on downstream tasks in pretrain-finetune paradigm.

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Toward Unified Controllable Text Generation via Regular Expression Instruction
Xin Zheng | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing and the 3rd Conference of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)


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Few-shot Named Entity Recognition with Self-describing Networks
Jiawei Chen | Qing Liu | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Few-shot NER needs to effectively capture information from limited instances and transfer useful knowledge from external resources. In this paper, we propose a self-describing mechanism for few-shot NER, which can effectively leverage illustrative instances and precisely transfer knowledge from external resources by describing both entity types and mentions using a universal concept set. Specifically, we design Self-describing Networks (SDNet), a Seq2Seq generation model which can universally describe mentions using concepts, automatically map novel entity types to concepts, and adaptively recognize entities on-demand. We pre-train SDNet with large-scale corpus, and conduct experiments on 8 benchmarks from different domains. Experiments show that SDNet achieves competitive performances on all benchmarks and achieves the new state-of-the-art on 6 benchmarks, which demonstrates its effectiveness and robustness.

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Unified Structure Generation for Universal Information Extraction
Yaojie Lu | Qing Liu | Dai Dai | Xinyan Xiao | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Hua Wu
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Information extraction suffers from its varying targets, heterogeneous structures, and demand-specific schemas. In this paper, we propose a unified text-to-structure generation framework, namely UIE, which can universally model different IE tasks, adaptively generate targeted structures, and collaboratively learn general IE abilities from different knowledge sources. Specifically, UIE uniformly encodes different extraction structures via a structured extraction language, adaptively generates target extractions via a schema-based prompt mechanism – structural schema instructor, and captures the common IE abilities via a large-scale pretrained text-to-structure model. Experiments show that UIE achieved the state-of-the-art performance on 4 IE tasks, 13 datasets, and on all supervised, low-resource, and few-shot settings for a wide range of entity, relation, event and sentiment extraction tasks and their unification. These results verified the effectiveness, universality, and transferability of UIE.

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Pre-training to Match for Unified Low-shot Relation Extraction
Fangchao Liu | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Boxi Cao | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Low-shot relation extraction (RE) aims to recognize novel relations with very few or even no samples, which is critical in real scenario application. Few-shot and zero-shot RE are two representative low-shot RE tasks, which seem to be with similar target but require totally different underlying abilities. In this paper, we propose Multi-Choice Matching Networks to unify low-shot relation extraction. To fill in the gap between zero-shot and few-shot RE, we propose the triplet-paraphrase meta-training, which leverages triplet paraphrase to pre-train zero-shot label matching ability and uses meta-learning paradigm to learn few-shot instance summarizing ability. Experimental results on three different low-shot RE tasks show that the proposed method outperforms strong baselines by a large margin, and achieve the best performance on few-shot RE leaderboard.

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Can Prompt Probe Pretrained Language Models? Understanding the Invisible Risks from a Causal View
Boxi Cao | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Fangchao Liu | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Prompt-based probing has been widely used in evaluating the abilities of pretrained language models (PLMs). Unfortunately, recent studies have discovered such an evaluation may be inaccurate, inconsistent and unreliable. Furthermore, the lack of understanding its inner workings, combined with its wide applicability, has the potential to lead to unforeseen risks for evaluating and applying PLMs in real-world applications. To discover, understand and quantify the risks, this paper investigates the prompt-based probing from a causal view, highlights three critical biases which could induce biased results and conclusions, and proposes to conduct debiasing via causal intervention. This paper provides valuable insights for the design of unbiased datasets, better probing frameworks and more reliable evaluations of pretrained language models. Furthermore, our conclusions also echo that we need to rethink the criteria for identifying better pretrained language models.

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ECO v1: Towards Event-Centric Opinion Mining
Ruoxi Xu | Hongyu Lin | Meng Liao | Xianpei Han | Jin Xu | Wei Tan | Yingfei Sun | Le Sun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2022

Events are considered as the fundamental building blocks of the world. Mining event-centric opinions can benefit decision making, people communication, and social good. Unfortunately, there is little literature addressing event-centric opinion mining, although which significantly diverges from the well-studied entity-centric opinion mining in connotation, structure, and expression. In this paper, we propose and formulate the task of event-centric opinion mining based on event-argument structure and expression categorizing theory. We also benchmark this task by constructing a pioneer corpus and designing a two-step benchmark framework. Experiment results show that event-centric opinion mining is feasible and challenging, and the proposed task, dataset, and baselines are beneficial for future studies.

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CATAMARAN: A Cross-lingual Long Text Abstractive Summarization Dataset
Zheng Chen | Hongyu Lin
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Language Resources and Evaluation Conference

Cross-lingual summarization, which produces the summary in one language from a given source document in another language, could be extremely helpful for humans to obtain information across the world. However, it is still a little-explored task due to the lack of datasets. Recent studies are primarily based on pseudo-cross-lingual datasets obtained by translation. Such an approach would inevitably lead to the loss of information in the original document and introduce noise into the summary, thus hurting the overall performance. In this paper, we present CATAMARAN, the first high-quality cross-lingual long text abstractive summarization dataset. It contains about 20,000 parallel news articles and corresponding summaries, all written by humans. The average lengths of articles are 1133.65 for English articles and 2035.33 for Chinese articles, and the average lengths of the summaries are 26.59 and 70.05, respectively. We train and evaluate an mBART-based cross-lingual abstractive summarization model using our dataset. The result shows that, compared with mono-lingual systems, the cross-lingual abstractive summarization system could also achieve solid performance.

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ISCAS at SemEval-2022 Task 10: An Extraction-Validation Pipeline for Structured Sentiment Analysis
Xinyu Lu | Mengjie Ren | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin
Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2022)

ISCAS participated in both sub-tasks in SemEval-2022 Task 10: Structured Sentiment competition. We design an extraction-validation pipeline architecture to tackle both monolingual and cross-lingual sub-tasks. Experimental results show the multilingual effectiveness and cross-lingual robustness of our system. Our system is openly released on: https://github.com/luxinyu1/SemEval2022-Task10/.


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From Discourse to Narrative: Knowledge Projection for Event Relation Extraction
Jialong Tang | Hongyu Lin | Meng Liao | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Weijian Xie | Jin Xu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Current event-centric knowledge graphs highly rely on explicit connectives to mine relations between events. Unfortunately, due to the sparsity of connectives, these methods severely undermine the coverage of EventKGs. The lack of high-quality labelled corpora further exacerbates that problem. In this paper, we propose a knowledge projection paradigm for event relation extraction: projecting discourse knowledge to narratives by exploiting the commonalities between them. Specifically, we propose Multi-tier Knowledge Projection Network (MKPNet), which can leverage multi-tier discourse knowledge effectively for event relation extraction. In this way, the labelled data requirement is significantly reduced, and implicit event relations can be effectively extracted. Intrinsic experimental results show that MKPNet achieves the new state-of-the-art performance and extrinsic experimental results verify the value of the extracted event relations.

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Knowledgeable or Educated Guess? Revisiting Language Models as Knowledge Bases
Boxi Cao | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Lingyong Yan | Meng Liao | Tong Xue | Jin Xu
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Previous literatures show that pre-trained masked language models (MLMs) such as BERT can achieve competitive factual knowledge extraction performance on some datasets, indicating that MLMs can potentially be a reliable knowledge source. In this paper, we conduct a rigorous study to explore the underlying predicting mechanisms of MLMs over different extraction paradigms. By investigating the behaviors of MLMs, we find that previous decent performance mainly owes to the biased prompts which overfit dataset artifacts. Furthermore, incorporating illustrative cases and external contexts improve knowledge prediction mainly due to entity type guidance and golden answer leakage. Our findings shed light on the underlying predicting mechanisms of MLMs, and strongly question the previous conclusion that current MLMs can potentially serve as reliable factual knowledge bases.

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Text2Event: Controllable Sequence-to-Structure Generation for End-to-end Event Extraction
Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Jin Xu | Xianpei Han | Jialong Tang | Annan Li | Le Sun | Meng Liao | Shaoyi Chen
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Event extraction is challenging due to the complex structure of event records and the semantic gap between text and event. Traditional methods usually extract event records by decomposing the complex structure prediction task into multiple subtasks. In this paper, we propose Text2Event, a sequence-to-structure generation paradigm that can directly extract events from the text in an end-to-end manner. Specifically, we design a sequence-to-structure network for unified event extraction, a constrained decoding algorithm for event knowledge injection during inference, and a curriculum learning algorithm for efficient model learning. Experimental results show that, by uniformly modeling all tasks in a single model and universally predicting different labels, our method can achieve competitive performance using only record-level annotations in both supervised learning and transfer learning settings.

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Element Intervention for Open Relation Extraction
Fangchao Liu | Lingyong Yan | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Open relation extraction aims to cluster relation instances referring to the same underlying relation, which is a critical step for general relation extraction. Current OpenRE models are commonly trained on the datasets generated from distant supervision, which often results in instability and makes the model easily collapsed. In this paper, we revisit the procedure of OpenRE from a causal view. By formulating OpenRE using a structural causal model, we identify that the above-mentioned problems stem from the spurious correlations from entities and context to the relation type. To address this issue, we conduct Element Intervention, which intervene on the context and entities respectively to obtain the underlying causal effects of them. We also provide two specific implementations of the interventions based on entity ranking and context contrasting. Experimental results on unsupervised relation extraction datasets show our method to outperform previous state-of-the-art methods and is robust across different datasets.

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De-biasing Distantly Supervised Named Entity Recognition via Causal Intervention
Wenkai Zhang | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Distant supervision tackles the data bottleneck in NER by automatically generating training instances via dictionary matching. Unfortunately, the learning of DS-NER is severely dictionary-biased, which suffers from spurious correlations and therefore undermines the effectiveness and the robustness of the learned models. In this paper, we fundamentally explain the dictionary bias via a Structural Causal Model (SCM), categorize the bias into intra-dictionary and inter-dictionary biases, and identify their causes. Based on the SCM, we learn de-biased DS-NER via causal interventions. For intra-dictionary bias, we conduct backdoor adjustment to remove the spurious correlations introduced by the dictionary confounder. For inter-dictionary bias, we propose a causal invariance regularizer which will make DS-NER models more robust to the perturbation of dictionaries. Experiments on four datasets and three DS-NER models show that our method can significantly improve the performance of DS-NER.

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Fine-grained Entity Typing via Label Reasoning
Qing Liu | Hongyu Lin | Xinyan Xiao | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Hua Wu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Conventional entity typing approaches are based on independent classification paradigms, which make them difficult to recognize inter-dependent, long-tailed and fine-grained entity types. In this paper, we argue that the implicitly entailed extrinsic and intrinsic dependencies between labels can provide critical knowledge to tackle the above challenges. To this end, we propose Label Reasoning Network(LRN), which sequentially reasons fine-grained entity labels by discovering and exploiting label dependencies knowledge entailed in the data. Specifically, LRN utilizes an auto-regressive network to conduct deductive reasoning and a bipartite attribute graph to conduct inductive reasoning between labels, which can effectively model, learn and reason complex label dependencies in a sequence-to-set, end-to-end manner. Experiments show that LRN achieves the state-of-the-art performance on standard ultra fine-grained entity typing benchmarks, and can also resolve the long tail label problem effectively.

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Honey or Poison? Solving the Trigger Curse in Few-shot Event Detection via Causal Intervention
Jiawei Chen | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Event detection has long been troubled by the trigger curse: overfitting the trigger will harm the generalization ability while underfitting it will hurt the detection performance. This problem is even more severe in few-shot scenario. In this paper, we identify and solve the trigger curse problem in few-shot event detection (FSED) from a causal view. By formulating FSED with a structural causal model (SCM), we found that the trigger is a confounder of the context and the result, which makes previous FSED methods much easier to overfit triggers. To resolve this problem, we propose to intervene on the context via backdoor adjustment during training. Experiments show that our method significantly improves the FSED on both ACE05 and MAVEN datasets.


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ISCAS at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Pre-trained Transformers for Counterfactual Statement Modeling
Yaojie Lu | Annan Li | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

ISCAS participated in two subtasks of SemEval 2020 Task 5: detecting counterfactual statements and detecting antecedent and consequence. This paper describes our system which is based on pretrained transformers. For the first subtask, we train several transformer-based classifiers for detecting counterfactual statements. For the second subtask, we formulate antecedent and consequence extraction as a query-based question answering problem. The two subsystems both achieved third place in the evaluation. Our system is openly released at https://github.com/casnlu/ISCASSemEval2020Task5.

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Syntactic and Semantic-driven Learning for Open Information Extraction
Jialong Tang | Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Xinyan Xiao | Hua Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2020

One of the biggest bottlenecks in building accurate, high coverage neural open IE systems is the need for large labelled corpora. The diversity of open domain corpora and the variety of natural language expressions further exacerbate this problem. In this paper, we propose a syntactic and semantic-driven learning approach, which can learn neural open IE models without any human-labelled data by leveraging syntactic and semantic knowledge as noisier, higher-level supervision. Specifically, we first employ syntactic patterns as data labelling functions and pretrain a base model using the generated labels. Then we propose a syntactic and semantic-driven reinforcement learning algorithm, which can effectively generalize the base model to open situations with high accuracy. Experimental results show that our approach significantly outperforms the supervised counterparts, and can even achieve competitive performance to supervised state-of-the-art (SoA) model.

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A Rigorous Study on Named Entity Recognition: Can Fine-tuning Pretrained Model Lead to the Promised Land?
Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Jialong Tang | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Zhicheng Wei | Nicholas Jing Yuan
Proceedings of the 2020 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP)

Fine-tuning pretrained model has achieved promising performance on standard NER benchmarks. Generally, these benchmarks are blessed with strong name regularity, high mention coverage and sufficient context diversity. Unfortunately, when scaling NER to open situations, these advantages may no longer exist. And therefore it raises a critical question of whether previous creditable approaches can still work well when facing these challenges. As there is no currently available dataset to investigate this problem, this paper proposes to conduct randomization test on standard benchmarks. Specifically, we erase name regularity, mention coverage and context diversity respectively from the benchmarks, in order to explore their impact on the generalization ability of models. To further verify our conclusions, we also construct a new open NER dataset that focuses on entity types with weaker name regularity and lower mention coverage to verify our conclusion. From both randomization test and empirical experiments, we draw the conclusions that 1) name regularity is critical for the models to generalize to unseen mentions; 2) high mention coverage may undermine the model generalization ability and 3) context patterns may not require enormous data to capture when using pretrained encoders.


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Distilling Discrimination and Generalization Knowledge for Event Detection via Delta-Representation Learning
Yaojie Lu | Hongyu Lin | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Event detection systems rely on discrimination knowledge to distinguish ambiguous trigger words and generalization knowledge to detect unseen/sparse trigger words. Current neural event detection approaches focus on trigger-centric representations, which work well on distilling discrimination knowledge, but poorly on learning generalization knowledge. To address this problem, this paper proposes a Delta-learning approach to distill discrimination and generalization knowledge by effectively decoupling, incrementally learning and adaptively fusing event representation. Experiments show that our method significantly outperforms previous approaches on unseen/sparse trigger words, and achieves state-of-the-art performance on both ACE2005 and KBP2017 datasets.

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Sequence-to-Nuggets: Nested Entity Mention Detection via Anchor-Region Networks
Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Sequential labeling-based NER approaches restrict each word belonging to at most one entity mention, which will face a serious problem when recognizing nested entity mentions. In this paper, we propose to resolve this problem by modeling and leveraging the head-driven phrase structures of entity mentions, i.e., although a mention can nest other mentions, they will not share the same head word. Specifically, we propose Anchor-Region Networks (ARNs), a sequence-to-nuggets architecture for nested mention detection. ARNs first identify anchor words (i.e., possible head words) of all mentions, and then recognize the mention boundaries for each anchor word by exploiting regular phrase structures. Furthermore, we also design Bag Loss, an objective function which can train ARNs in an end-to-end manner without using any anchor word annotation. Experiments show that ARNs achieve the state-of-the-art performance on three standard nested entity mention detection benchmarks.

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Cost-sensitive Regularization for Label Confusion-aware Event Detection
Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

In supervised event detection, most of the mislabeling occurs between a small number of confusing type pairs, including trigger-NIL pairs and sibling sub-types of the same coarse type. To address this label confusion problem, this paper proposes cost-sensitive regularization, which can force the training procedure to concentrate more on optimizing confusing type pairs. Specifically, we introduce a cost-weighted term into the training loss, which penalizes more on mislabeling between confusing label pairs. Furthermore, we also propose two estimators which can effectively measure such label confusion based on instance-level or population-level statistics. Experiments on TAC-KBP 2017 datasets demonstrate that the proposed method can significantly improve the performances of different models in both English and Chinese event detection.

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Gazetteer-Enhanced Attentive Neural Networks for Named Entity Recognition
Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun | Bin Dong | Shanshan Jiang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Current region-based NER models only rely on fully-annotated training data to learn effective region encoder, which often face the training data bottleneck. To alleviate this problem, this paper proposes Gazetteer-Enhanced Attentive Neural Networks, which can enhance region-based NER by learning name knowledge of entity mentions from easily-obtainable gazetteers, rather than only from fully-annotated data. Specially, we first propose an attentive neural network (ANN), which explicitly models the mention-context association and therefore is convenient for integrating externally-learned knowledge. Then we design an auxiliary gazetteer network, which can effectively encode name regularity of mentions only using gazetteers. Finally, the learned gazetteer network is incorporated into ANN for better NER. Experiments show that our ANN can achieve the state-of-the-art performance on ACE2005 named entity recognition benchmark. Besides, incorporating gazetteer network can further improve the performance and significantly reduce the requirement of training data.


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Adaptive Scaling for Sparse Detection in Information Extraction
Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

This paper focuses on detection tasks in information extraction, where positive instances are sparsely distributed and models are usually evaluated using F-measure on positive classes. These characteristics often result in deficient performance of neural network based detection models. In this paper, we propose adaptive scaling, an algorithm which can handle the positive sparsity problem and directly optimize over F-measure via dynamic cost-sensitive learning. To this end, we borrow the idea of marginal utility from economics and propose a theoretical framework for instance importance measuring without introducing any additional hyper-parameters. Experiments show that our algorithm leads to a more effective and stable training of neural network based detection models.

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Nugget Proposal Networks for Chinese Event Detection
Hongyu Lin | Yaojie Lu | Xianpei Han | Le Sun
Proceedings of the 56th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Neural network based models commonly regard event detection as a word-wise classification task, which suffer from the mismatch problem between words and event triggers, especially in languages without natural word delimiters such as Chinese. In this paper, we propose Nugget Proposal Networks (NPNs), which can solve the word-trigger mismatch problem by directly proposing entire trigger nuggets centered at each character regardless of word boundaries. Specifically, NPNs perform event detection in a character-wise paradigm, where a hybrid representation for each character is first learned to capture both structural and semantic information from both characters and words. Then based on learned representations, trigger nuggets are proposed and categorized by exploiting character compositional structures of Chinese event triggers. Experiments on both ACE2005 and TAC KBP 2017 datasets show that NPNs significantly outperform the state-of-the-art methods.


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Reasoning with Heterogeneous Knowledge for Commonsense Machine Comprehension
Hongyu Lin | Le Sun | Xianpei Han
Proceedings of the 2017 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Reasoning with commonsense knowledge is critical for natural language understanding. Traditional methods for commonsense machine comprehension mostly only focus on one specific kind of knowledge, neglecting the fact that commonsense reasoning requires simultaneously considering different kinds of commonsense knowledge. In this paper, we propose a multi-knowledge reasoning method, which can exploit heterogeneous knowledge for commonsense machine comprehension. Specifically, we first mine different kinds of knowledge (including event narrative knowledge, entity semantic knowledge and sentiment coherent knowledge) and encode them as inference rules with costs. Then we propose a multi-knowledge reasoning model, which selects inference rules for a specific reasoning context using attention mechanism, and reasons by summarizing all valid inference rules. Experiments on RocStories show that our method outperforms traditional models significantly.


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A Context-Aware Topic Model for Statistical Machine Translation
Jinsong Su | Deyi Xiong | Yang Liu | Xianpei Han | Hongyu Lin | Junfeng Yao | Min Zhang
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)