Howard R. Turtle
Also published as: Howard Turtle
EmoTweet-28: A Fine-Grained Emotion Corpus for Sentiment Analysis
Jasy Suet Yan Liew
Howard R. Turtle
Elizabeth D. Liddy
Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'16)
This paper describes EmoTweet-28, a carefully curated corpus of 15,553 tweets annotated with 28 emotion categories for the purpose of training and evaluating machine learning models for emotion classification. EmoTweet-28 is, to date, the largest tweet corpus annotated with fine-grained emotion categories. The corpus contains annotations for four facets of emotion: valence, arousal, emotion category and emotion cues. We first used small-scale content analysis to inductively identify a set of emotion categories that characterize the emotions expressed in microblog text. We then expanded the size of the corpus using crowdsourcing. The corpus encompasses a variety of examples including explicit and implicit expressions of emotions as well as tweets containing multiple emotions. EmoTweet-28 represents an important resource to advance the development and evaluation of more emotion-sensitive systems.
Exploring Fine-Grained Emotion Detection in Tweets
Jasy Suet Yan Liew
Howard R. Turtle
Proceedings of the NAACL Student Research Workshop
Commercial Impact of VLC Research
Howard Turtle
Fifth Workshop on Very Large Corpora