Ingroj Shrestha


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NLP_UIOWA at SemEval-2020 Task 8: You’re Not the Only One Cursed with Knowledge - Multi Branch Model Memotion Analysis
Ingroj Shrestha | Jonathan Rusert
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We propose hybrid models (HybridE and HybridW) for meme analysis (SemEval 2020 Task 8), which involves sentiment classification (Subtask A), humor classification (Subtask B), and scale of semantic classes (Subtask C). The hybrid model consists of BLSTM and CNN for text and image processing respectively. HybridE provides equal weight to BLSTM and CNN performance, while HybridW provides weightage based on the performance of BLSTM and CNN on a validation set. The performances (macro F1) of our hybrid model on Subtask A are 0.329 (HybridE), 0.328 (HybridW), on Subtask B are 0.507 (HybridE), 0.512 (HybridW), and on Subtask C are 0.309 (HybridE), 0.311 (HybridW).