Jaron Cohen
RepGraph: Visualising and Analysing Meaning Representation Graphs
Jaron Cohen
Roy Cohen
Edan Toledo
Jan Buys
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: System Demonstrations
We present RepGraph, an open source visualisation and analysis tool for meaning representation graphs. Graph-based meaning representations provide rich semantic annotations, but visualising them clearly is more challenging than for fully lexicalized representations. Our application provides a seamless, unifying interface with which to visualise, manipulate and analyse semantically parsed graph data represented in a JSON-based serialisation format. RepGraph visualises graphs in multiple formats, with an emphasis on showing the relation between nodes and their corresponding token spans, whilst keeping the representation compact. Additionally, the web-based tool provides NLP researchers with a clear, visually intuitive way of interacting with these graphs, and includes a number of graph analysis features. The tool currently supports the DMRS, EDS, PTG, UCCA, and AMR semantic frameworks. A live demo is available at https://repgraph.vercel.app/.