Javier M. Sastre Martínez


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Computer Tools for the Management of Lexicon-Grammar Databases
Javier M. Sastre Martínez
Actes de la 13ème conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles. Posters

Lexicon grammar is a systematic method for the analysis and the representation of the elementary sentence structures of a natural language producing large collections of syntactic electronic dictionaries or lexicongrammar tables (LGTs). In order to describe a language, very long term collaborative work is required. However, the current computer tools for the management of LGTs do not fulfill key requirements including automatic integration of multisource data, data coherence and version control, filtering and sorting, exchange formats, coupled management of data and documentation, dedicated graphical interfaces (GUIs) and user management and access control. In this paper we propose a solution based on PostgreSQL and/or MySQL (open source database management systems), Swing (a GUI toolkit for Java), JDBC (the API for Java database connectivity) and StAX (an API for the analysis and generation of XML documents).