Jesús Martínez-del-Rincón
Also published as: Jesús Martínez del Rincón
How Is a “Kitchen Chair” like a “Farm Horse”? Exploring the Representation of Noun-Noun Compound Semantics in Transformer-based Language Models
Mark Ormerod
Jesús Martínez del Rincón
Barry Devereux
Computational Linguistics, Volume 50, Issue 1 - March 2024
Despite the success of Transformer-based language models in a wide variety of natural language processing tasks, our understanding of how these models process a given input in order to represent task-relevant information remains incomplete. In this work, we focus on semantic composition and examine how Transformer-based language models represent semantic information related to the meaning of English noun-noun compounds. We probe Transformer-based language models for their knowledge of the thematic relations that link the head nouns and modifier words of compounds (e.g., KITCHEN CHAIR: a chair located in a kitchen). Firstly, using a dataset featuring groups of compounds with shared lexical or semantic features, we find that token representations of six Transformer-based language models distinguish between pairs of compounds based on whether they use the same thematic relation. Secondly, we utilize fine-grained vector representations of compound semantics derived from human annotations, and find that token vectors from several models elicit a strong signal of the semantic relations used in the compounds. In a novel “compositional probe” setting, where we compare the semantic relation signal in mean-pooled token vectors of compounds to mean-pooled token vectors when the two constituent words appear in separate sentences, we find that the Transformer-based language models that best represent the semantics of noun-noun compounds also do so substantially better than in the control condition where the two constituent works are processed separately. Overall, our results shed light on the ability of Transformer-based language models to support compositional semantic processes in representing the meaning of noun-noun compounds.
Analysing Representations of Memory Impairment in a Clinical Notes Classification Model
Mark Ormerod
Jesús Martínez-del-Rincón
Neil Robertson
Bernadette McGuinness
Barry Devereux
Proceedings of the 18th BioNLP Workshop and Shared Task
Despite recent advances in the application of deep neural networks to various kinds of medical data, extracting information from unstructured textual sources remains a challenging task. The challenges of training and interpreting document classification models are amplified when dealing with small and highly technical datasets, as are common in the clinical domain. Using a dataset of de-identified clinical letters gathered at a memory clinic, we construct several recurrent neural network models for letter classification, and evaluate them on their ability to build meaningful representations of the documents and predict patients’ diagnoses. Additionally, we probe sentence embedding models in order to build a human-interpretable representation of the neural network’s features, using a simple and intuitive technique based on perturbative approaches to sentence importance. In addition to showing which sentences in a document are most informative about the patient’s condition, this method reveals the types of sentences that lead the model to make incorrect diagnoses. Furthermore, we identify clusters of sentences in the embedding space that correlate strongly with importance scores for each clinical diagnosis class.