Jiang Li


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Learning Low-dimensional Multi-domain Knowledge Graph Embedding via Dual Archimedean Spirals
Jiang Li | Xiangdong Su | Fujun Zhang | Guanglai Gao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Knowledge graph embedding (KGE) is extensively employed for link prediction by representing entities and relations as low-dimensional vectors. In real-world scenarios, knowledge graphs (KGs) usually encompass diverse domains, which poses challenges to KG representations. However, existing KGE methods rarely make domain constraints on the embedding distribution of multi-domain KGs, leading to the embedding overlapping of different domains and performance degradation of link prediction. To address this challenge, we propose Dual Archimedean Spiral Knowledge Graph Embedding (DuASE), a low-dimensional KGE model for multi-domain KGs. DuASE is inspired by our discovery that relation types can distinguish entities from different domains. Specifically, DuASE encodes entities with the same relation on the same Archimedean spiral, allowing it to differentiate the entities from different domains. To avoid embedding overlapping across domains, DuASE further makes the head and the tail spirals in the same triplet cluster to their respective domain space by a regularization function. Thus, DuASE can better capture the domain information and the dependencies between entities when modeling the multi-domain KGs, leading to improved KG representations. We validate the effectiveness of DuASE on the novel multi-domain dataset (n-MDKG) introduced in this study and three other benchmark datasets.

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EpLSA: Synergy of Expert-prefix Mixtures and Task-Oriented Latent Space Adaptation for Diverse Generative Reasoning
Fujun Zhang | Xiangdong Su | Jiang Li | Rong Yan | Guanglai Gao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Existing models for diverse generative reasoning still struggle to generate multiple unique and plausible results. Through an in-depth examination, we argue that it is critical to leverage a mixture of experts as prefixes to enhance the diversity of generated results and make task-oriented adaptation in the latent space of the generation models to improve the quality of the responses. At this point, we propose EpLSA, an innovative model based on the synergy of expert-prefix mixtures and task-oriented latent space adaptation for diverse generative reasoning. Specifically, we use expert-prefixes mixtures to encourage the model to create multiple responses with different semantics and design a loss function to address the problem that the semantics is interfered by the expert-prefixes. Meanwhile, we design a task-oriented adaptation block to make the pre-trained encoder within the generation model more effectively adapted to the pre-trained decoder in the latent space, thus further improving the quality of the generated text. Extensive experiments on three different types of generative reasoning tasks demonstrate that EpLSA outperforms existing baseline models in terms of both the quality and diversity of the generated outputs. Our code is publicly available at https://github.com/IMU-MachineLearningSXD/EpLSA.

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Exploring the Synergy of Dual-path Encoder and Alignment Module for Better Graph-to-Text Generation
Tianxin Zhao | Yingxin Liu | Xiangdong Su | Jiang Li | Guanglai Gao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

The mainstream approaches view the knowledge graph-to-text (KG-to-text) generation as a sequence-to-sequence task and fine-tune the pre-trained model (PLM) to generate the target text from the linearized knowledge graph. However, the linearization of knowledge graphs and the structure of PLMs lead to the loss of a large amount of graph structure information. Moreover, PLMs lack an explicit graph-text alignment strategy because of the discrepancy between structural and textual information. To solve these two problems, we propose a synergetic KG-to-text model with a dual-path encoder, an alignment module, and a guidance module. The dual-path encoder consists of a graph structure encoder and a text encoder, which can better encode the structure and text information of the knowledge graph. The alignment module contains a two-layer Transformer block and an MLP block, which aligns and integrates the information from the dual encoder. The guidance module combines an improved pointer network and an MLP block to avoid error-generated entities and ensures the fluency and accuracy of the generated text. Our approach obtains very competitive performance on three benchmark datasets. Our code is available from https://github.com/IMu-MachineLearningsxD/G2T.

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TransERR: Translation-based Knowledge Graph Embedding via Efficient Relation Rotation
Jiang Li | Xiangdong Su | Fujun Zhang | Guanglai Gao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

This paper presents a translation-based knowledge geraph embedding method via efficient relation rotation (TransERR), a straightforward yet effective alternative to traditional translation-based knowledge graph embedding models. Different from the previous translation-based models, TransERR encodes knowledge graphs in the hypercomplex-valued space, thus enabling it to possess a higher degree of translation freedom in mining latent information between the head and tail entities. To further minimize the translation distance, TransERR adaptively rotates the head entity and the tail entity with their corresponding unit quaternions, which are learnable in model training. We also provide mathematical proofs to demonstrate the ability of TransERR in modeling various relation patterns, including symmetry, antisymmetry, inversion, composition, and subrelation patterns. The experiments on 10 benchmark datasets validate the effectiveness and the generalization of TransERR. The results also indicate that TransERR can better encode large-scale datasets with fewer parameters than the previous translation-based models. Our code and datasets are available at https://github.com/dellixx/TransERR.


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TeAST: Temporal Knowledge Graph Embedding via Archimedean Spiral Timeline
Jiang Li | Xiangdong Su | Guanglai Gao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Temporal knowledge graph embedding (TKGE) models are commonly utilized to infer the missing facts and facilitate reasoning and decision-making in temporal knowledge graph based systems. However, existing methods fuse temporal information into entities, potentially leading to the evolution of entity information and limiting the link prediction performance of TKG. Meanwhile, current TKGE models often lack the ability to simultaneously model important relation patterns and provide interpretability, which hinders their effectiveness and potential applications. To address these limitations, we propose a novel TKGE model which encodes Temporal knowledge graph embeddings via Archimedean Spiral Timeline (TeAST), which maps relations onto the corresponding Archimedean spiral timeline and transforms the quadruples completion to 3th-order tensor completion problem. Specifically, the Archimedean spiral timeline ensures that relations that occur simultaneously are placed on the same timeline, and all relations evolve over time. Meanwhile, we present a novel temporal spiral regularizer to make the spiral timeline orderly. In addition, we provide mathematical proofs to demonstrate the ability of TeAST to encode various relation patterns. Experimental results show that our proposed model significantly outperforms existing TKGE methods. Our code is available at https://github.com/IMU-MachineLearningSXD/TeAST.

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How Well Apply Simple MLP to Incomplete Utterance Rewriting?
Jiang Li | Xiangdong Su | Xinlan Ma | Guanglai Gao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Incomplete utterance rewriting (IUR) aims to restore the incomplete utterance with sufficient context information for comprehension. This paper introduces a simple yet efficient IUR method. Different from prior studies, we first employ only one-layer MLP architecture to mine latent semantic information between joint utterances for IUR task (MIUR). After that, we conduct a joint feature matrix to predict the token type and thus restore the incomplete utterance. The well-designed network and simple architecture make our method significantly superior to existing methods in terms of quality and inference speedOur code is available at https://github.com/IMU-MachineLearningSXD/MIUR.


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NOKIA Research Center Beijing Chinese Word Segmentation System for the SIGHAN Bakeoff 2007
Jiang Li | Rile Hu | Guohua Zhang | Yuezhong Tang | Zhanjiang Song | Xia Wang
Proceedings of the Sixth SIGHAN Workshop on Chinese Language Processing