Jieping Ye


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SAC-KG: Exploiting Large Language Models as Skilled Automatic Constructors for Domain Knowledge Graph
Hanzhu Chen | Xu Shen | Qitan Lv | Jie Wang | Xiaoqi Ni | Jieping Ye
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Knowledge graphs (KGs) play a pivotal role in knowledge-intensive tasks across specialized domains, where the acquisition of precise and dependable knowledge is crucial. However, existing KG construction methods heavily rely on human intervention to attain qualified KGs, which severely hinders the practical applicability in real-world scenarios. To address this challenge, we propose a general KG construction framework, named **SAC-KG**, to exploit large language models (LLMs) as **S**killed **A**utomatic **C**onstructors for domain **K**nowledge **G**raph. SAC-KG effectively involves LLMs as domain experts to generate specialized and precise multi-level KGs. Specifically, SAC-KG consists of three components: Generator, Verifier, and Pruner. For a given entity, Generator produces its relations and tails from raw domain corpora, to construct a specialized single-level KG. Verifier and Pruner then work together to ensure precision by correcting generation errors and determining whether newly produced tails require further iteration for the next-level KG. Experiments demonstrate that SAC-KG automatically constructs a domain KG at the scale of over one million nodes and achieves a precision of 89.32%, leading to a superior performance with over 20% increase in precision rate compared to existing state-of-the-art methods for the KG construction task.


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DiDi’s Machine Translation System for WMT2020
Tanfang Chen | Weiwei Wang | Wenyang Wei | Xing Shi | Xiangang Li | Jieping Ye | Kevin Knight
Proceedings of the Fifth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper describes the DiDi AI Labs’ submission to the WMT2020 news translation shared task. We participate in the translation direction of Chinese->English. In this direction, we use the Transformer as our baseline model and integrate several techniques for model enhancement, including data filtering, data selection, back-translation, fine-tuning, model ensembling, and re-ranking. As a result, our submission achieves a BLEU score of 36.6 in Chinese->English.


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Recognizing Social Constructs from Textual Conversation
Somak Aditya | Chitta Baral | Nguyen Ha Vo | Joohyung Lee | Jieping Ye | Zaw Naung | Barry Lumpkin | Jenny Hastings | Richard Scherl | Dawn M. Sweet | Daniela Inclezan
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies