Josef Jon


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ALADAN at IWSLT24 Low-resource Arabic Dialectal Speech Translation Task
Waad Ben Kheder | Josef Jon | André Beyer | Abdel Messaoudi | Rabea Affan | Claude Barras | Maxim Tychonov | Jean-Luc Gauvain
Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Spoken Language Translation (IWSLT 2024)

This paper presents ALADAN’s approach to the IWSLT 2024 Dialectal and Low-resource shared task, focusing on Levantine Arabic (apc) and Tunisian Arabic (aeb) to English speech translation (ST). Addressing challenges such as the lack of standardized orthography and limited training data, we propose a solution for data normalization in Dialectal Arabic, employing a modified Levenshtein distance and Word2vec models to find orthographic variants of the same word. Our system consists of a cascade ST system integrating two ASR systems (TDNN-F and Zipformer) and two NMT modules derived from pre-trained models (NLLB-200 1.3B distilled model and CohereAI’s Command-R). Additionally, we explore the integration of unsupervised textual and audio data, highlighting the importance of multi-dialectal datasets for both ASR and NMT tasks. Our system achieves BLEU score of 31.5 for Levantine Arabic on the official validation set.

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GAATME: A Genetic Algorithm for Adversarial Translation Metrics Evaluation
Josef Jon | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Building on a recent method for decoding translation candidates from a Machine Translation (MT) model via a genetic algorithm, we modify it to generate adversarial translations to test and challenge MT evaluation metrics. The produced translations score very well in an arbitrary MT evaluation metric selected beforehand, despite containing serious, deliberately introduced errors. The method can be used to create adversarial test sets to analyze the biases and shortcomings of the metrics. We publish various such test sets for the Czech to English language pair, as well as the code to convert any parallel data into a similar adversarial test set.

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An Analysis of Surprisal Uniformity in Machine and Human Translations
Josef Jon | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Creative-text Translation and Technology

This study examines neural machine translation (NMT) and its performance on texts that diverege from typical standards, focusing on how information is organized within sentences. We analyze surprisal distributions in source texts, human translations, and machine translations across several datasets to determine if NMT systems naturally promote a uniform density of surprisal in their translations, even when the original texts do not adhere to this principle.The findings reveal that NMT tends to align more closely with source texts in terms of surprisal uniformity compared to human translations.We analyzed absolute values of the surprisal uniformity measures as well, expecting that human translations will be less uniform. In contradiction to our initial hypothesis, we did not find comprehensive evidence for this claim, with some results suggesting this might be the case for very diverse texts, like poetry.


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Breeding Machine Translations: Evolutionary approach to survive and thrive in the world of automated evaluation
Josef Jon | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

We propose a genetic algorithm (GA) based method for modifying n-best lists produced by a machine translation (MT) system. Our method offers an innovative approach to improving MT quality and identifying weaknesses in evaluation metrics. Using common GA operations (mutation and crossover) on a list of hypotheses in combination with a fitness function (an arbitrary MT metric), we obtain novel and diverse outputs with high metric scores. With a combination of multiple MT metrics as the fitness function, the proposed method leads to an increase in translation quality as measured by other held-out automatic metrics.With a single metric (including popular ones such as COMET) as the fitness function, we find blind spots and flaws in the metric. This allows for an automated search for adversarial examples in an arbitrary metric, without prior assumptions on the form of such example. As a demonstration of the method, we create datasets of adversarial examples and use them to show that reference-free COMET is substantially less robust than the reference-based version.

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CUNI at WMT23 General Translation Task: MT and a Genetic Algorithm
Josef Jon | Martin Popel | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper presents the contributions of Charles University teams to the WMT23 General translation task (English to Czech and Czech to Ukrainian translation directions). Our main submission, CUNI-GA, is a result of applying a novel n-best list reranking and modification method on translation candidates produced by the two other submitted systems, CUNI-Transformer and CUNI-DocTransformer (document-level translation only used for the en → cs direction). Our method uses a genetic algorithm and MBR decoding to search for optimal translation under a given metric (in our case, a weighted combination of ChrF, BLEU, COMET22-DA, and COMET22-QE-DA). Our submissions are first in the constrained track and show competitive performance against top-tier unconstrained systems across various automatic metrics.

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Character-level NMT and language similarity
Josef Jon | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 1: Research Track

We explore the effectiveness of character-level neural machine translation using Transformer architecture for various levels of language similarity and size of the training dataset. We evaluate the models using automatic MT metrics and show that translation between similar languages benefits from character-level input segmentation, while for less related languages, character-level vanilla Transformer-base often lags behind subword-level segmentation. We confirm previous findings that it is possible to close the gap by finetuning the already trained subword-level models to character-level.

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Negative Lexical Constraints in Neural Machine Translation
Josef Jon | Dusan Varis | Michal Novák | João Paulo Aires | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX, Vol. 1: Research Track

This paper explores negative lexical constraining in English to Czech neural machine translation. Negative lexical constraining is used to prohibit certain words or expressions in the translation produced by the NMT model. We compared various methods based on modifying either the decoding process or the training data. The comparison was performed on two tasks: paraphrasing and feedback-based translation refinement. We also studied how the methods “evade” the constraints, meaning that the disallowed expression is still present in the output, but in a changed form, most interestingly the case where a different surface form (for example different inflection) is produced. We propose a way to mitigate the issue through training with stemmed negative constraints, so that the ability of the model to induce different forms of a word might be used to prohibit the usage of all possible forms of the constraint. This helps to some extent, but the problem still persists in many cases.


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CUNI-Bergamot Submission at WMT22 General Translation Task
Josef Jon | Martin Popel | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)

We present the CUNI-Bergamot submission for the WMT22 General translation task. We compete in English-Czech direction. Our submission further explores block backtranslation techniques. Compared to the previous work, we measure performance in terms of COMET score and named entities translation accuracy. We evaluate performance of MBR decoding compared to traditional mixed backtranslation training and we show a possible synergy when using both of the techniques simultaneously. The results show that both approaches are effective means of improving translation quality and they yield even better results when combined.


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End-to-End Lexically Constrained Machine Translation for Morphologically Rich Languages
Josef Jon | João Paulo Aires | Dusan Varis | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Lexically constrained machine translation allows the user to manipulate the output sentence by enforcing the presence or absence of certain words and phrases. Although current approaches can enforce terms to appear in the translation, they often struggle to make the constraint word form agree with the rest of the generated output. Our manual analysis shows that 46% of the errors in the output of a baseline constrained model for English to Czech translation are related to agreement. We investigate mechanisms to allow neural machine translation to infer the correct word inflection given lemmatized constraints. In particular, we focus on methods based on training the model with constraints provided as part of the input sequence. Our experiments on English-Czech language pair show that this approach improves translation of constrained terms in both automatic and manual evaluation by reducing errors in agreement. Our approach thus eliminates inflection errors, without introducing new errors or decreasing overall quality of the translation.

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Rethinking the Objectives of Extractive Question Answering
Martin Fajcik | Josef Jon | Pavel Smrz
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Machine Reading for Question Answering

This work demonstrates that using the objective with independence assumption for modelling the span probability P (a_s , a_e ) = P (a_s )P (a_e) of span starting at position a_s and ending at position a_e has adverse effects. Therefore we propose multiple approaches to modelling joint probability P (a_s , a_e) directly. Among those, we propose a compound objective, composed from the joint probability while still keeping the objective with independence assumption as an auxiliary objective. We find that the compound objective is consistently superior or equal to other assumptions in exact match. Additionally, we identified common errors caused by the assumption of independence and manually checked the counterpart predictions, demonstrating the impact of the compound objective on the real examples. Our findings are supported via experiments with three extractive QA models (BIDAF, BERT, ALBERT) over six datasets and our code, individual results and manual analysis are available online.

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CUNI systems for WMT21: Multilingual Low-Resource Translation for Indo-European Languages Shared Task
Josef Jon | Michal Novák | João Paulo Aires | Dusan Varis | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper describes Charles University sub-mission for Terminology translation shared task at WMT21. The objective of this task is to design a system which translates certain terms based on a provided terminology database, while preserving high overall translation quality. We competed in English-French language pair. Our approach is based on providing the desired translations alongside the input sentence and training the model to use these provided terms. We lemmatize the terms both during the training and inference, to allow the model to learn how to produce correct surface forms of the words, when they differ from the forms provided in the terminology database.

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CUNI Systems for WMT21: Terminology Translation Shared Task
Josef Jon | Michal Novák | João Paulo Aires | Dusan Varis | Ondřej Bojar
Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Machine Translation

This paper describes Charles University sub-mission for Terminology translation Shared Task at WMT21. The objective of this task is to design a system which translates certain terms based on a provided terminology database, while preserving high overall translation quality. We competed in English-French language pair. Our approach is based on providing the desired translations alongside the input sentence and training the model to use these provided terms. We lemmatize the terms both during the training and inference, to allow the model to learn how to produce correct surface forms of the words, when they differ from the forms provided in the terminology database. Our submission ranked second in Exact Match metric which evaluates the ability of the model to produce desired terms in the translation.


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BUT-FIT at SemEval-2020 Task 4: Multilingual Commonsense
Josef Jon | Martin Fajcik | Martin Docekal | Pavel Smrz
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

We participated in all three subtasks. In subtasks A and B, our submissions are based on pretrained language representation models (namely ALBERT) and data augmentation. We experimented with solving the task for another language, Czech, by means of multilingual models and machine translated dataset, or translated model inputs. We show that with a strong machine translation system, our system can be used in another language with a small accuracy loss. In subtask C, our submission, which is based on pretrained sequence-to-sequence model (BART), ranked 1st in BLEU score ranking, however, we show that the correlation between BLEU and human evaluation, in which our submission ended up 4th, is low. We analyse the metrics used in the evaluation and we propose an additional score based on model from subtask B, which correlates well with our manual ranking, as well as reranking method based on the same principle. We performed an error and dataset analysis for all subtasks and we present our findings.

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BUT-FIT at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Automatic Detection of Counterfactual Statements with Deep Pre-trained Language Representation Models
Martin Fajcik | Josef Jon | Martin Docekal | Pavel Smrz
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper describes BUT-FIT’s submission at SemEval-2020 Task 5: Modelling Causal Reasoning in Language: Detecting Counterfactuals. The challenge focused on detecting whether a given statement contains a counterfactual (Subtask 1) and extracting both antecedent and consequent parts of the counterfactual from the text (Subtask 2). We experimented with various state-of-the-art language representation models (LRMs). We found RoBERTa LRM to perform the best in both subtasks. We achieved the first place in both exact match and F1 for Subtask 2 and ranked second for Subtask 1.

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JokeMeter at SemEval-2020 Task 7: Convolutional Humor
Martin Docekal | Martin Fajcik | Josef Jon | Pavel Smrz
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation

This paper describes our system that was designed for Humor evaluation within the SemEval-2020 Task 7. The system is based on convolutional neural network architecture. We investigate the system on the official dataset, and we provide more insight to model itself to see how the learned inner features look.