Kamil Guttmann


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POLENG MT: An Adaptive MT Platform
Artur Nowakowski | Krzysztof Jassem | Maciej Lison | Kamil Guttmann | Mikołaj Pokrywka
Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation

We introduce POLENG MT, an MT platform that may be used as a cloud web application or as an on-site solution. The platform is capable of providing accurate document translation, including the transfer of document formatting between the input document and the output document. The main feature of the on-site version is dedicated customer adaptation, which consists of training on specialized texts and applying forced terminology translation according to the user’s needs.

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Adam Mickiewicz University at WMT 2022: NER-Assisted and Quality-Aware Neural Machine Translation
Artur Nowakowski | Gabriela Pałka | Kamil Guttmann | Mikołaj Pokrywka
Proceedings of the Seventh Conference on Machine Translation (WMT)

This paper presents Adam Mickiewicz University’s (AMU) submissions to the constrained track of the WMT 2022 General MT Task. We participated in the Ukrainian ↔ Czech translation directions. The systems are a weighted ensemble of four models based on the Transformer (big) architecture. The models use source factors to utilize the information about named entities present in the input. Each of the models in the ensemble was trained using only the data provided by the shared task organizers. A noisy back-translation technique was used to augment the training corpora. One of the models in the ensemble is a document-level model, trained on parallel and synthetic longer sequences. During the sentence-level decoding process, the ensemble generated the n-best list. The n-best list was merged with the n-best list generated by a single document-level model which translated multiple sentences at a time. Finally, existing quality estimation models and minimum Bayes risk decoding were used to rerank the n-best list so that the best hypothesis was chosen according to the COMET evaluation metric. According to the automatic evaluation results, our systems rank first in both translation directions.