Kelvin Guu


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RARR: Researching and Revising What Language Models Say, Using Language Models
Luyu Gao | Zhuyun Dai | Panupong Pasupat | Anthony Chen | Arun Tejasvi Chaganty | Yicheng Fan | Vincent Zhao | Ni Lao | Hongrae Lee | Da-Cheng Juan | Kelvin Guu
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Language models (LMs) now excel at many tasks such as question answering, reasoning, and dialog. However, they sometimes generate unsupported or misleading content. A user cannot easily determine whether their outputs are trustworthy or not, because most LMs do not have any built-in mechanism for attribution to external evidence. To enable attribution while still preserving all the powerful advantages of recent generation models, we propose RARR (Retrofit Attribution using Research and Revision), a system that 1) automatically finds attribution for the output of any text generation model, and 2) post-edits the output to fix unsupported content while preserving the original output as much as possible. When applied to the output of several state-of-the-art LMs on a diverse set of generation tasks, we find that RARR significantly improves attribution while otherwise preserving the original input to a much greater degree than previously explored edit models. Furthermore, the implementation of RARR requires only a handful of training examples, a large language model, and standard web search.


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Meta-Learning Fast Weight Language Models
Kevin Clark | Kelvin Guu | Ming-Wei Chang | Panupong Pasupat | Geoffrey Hinton | Mohammad Norouzi
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Dynamic evaluation of language models (LMs) adapts model parameters at test time using gradient information from previous tokens and substantially improves LM performance. However, it requires over 3x more compute than standard inference. We present Fast Weight Layers (FWLs), a neural component that provides the benefits of dynamic evaluation much more efficiently by expressing gradient updates as linear attention. A key improvement over dynamic evaluation is that FWLs can also be applied at training time, so the model learns to make good use of gradient updates. FWLs can easily be added on top of existing transformer models, require relatively little extra compute or memory to run, and significantly improve language modeling perplexity.

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Towards Tracing Knowledge in Language Models Back to the Training Data
Ekin Akyurek | Tolga Bolukbasi | Frederick Liu | Binbin Xiong | Ian Tenney | Jacob Andreas | Kelvin Guu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022

Language models (LMs) have been shown to memorize a great deal of factual knowledge contained in their training data. But when an LM generates an assertion, it is often difficult to determine where it learned this information and whether it is true. In this paper, we propose the problem of fact tracing: identifying which training examples taught an LM to generate a particular factual assertion. Prior work on training data attribution (TDA) may offer effective tools for identifying such examples, known as “proponents”. We present the first quantitative benchmark to evaluate this. We compare two popular families of TDA methods — gradient-based and embedding-based — and find that much headroom remains. For example, both methods have lower proponent-retrieval precision than an information retrieval baseline (BM25) that does not have access to the LM at all. We identify key challenges that may be necessary for further improvement such as overcoming the problem of gradient saturation, and also show how several nuanced implementation details of existing neural TDA methods can significantly improve overall fact tracing performance.


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Controllable Semantic Parsing via Retrieval Augmentation
Panupong Pasupat | Yuan Zhang | Kelvin Guu
Proceedings of the 2021 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

In practical applications of semantic parsing, we often want to rapidly change the behavior of the parser, such as enabling it to handle queries in a new domain, or changing its predictions on certain targeted queries. While we can introduce new training examples exhibiting the target behavior, a mechanism for enacting such behavior changes without expensive model re-training would be preferable. To this end, we propose ControllAble Semantic Parser via Exemplar Retrieval (CASPER). Given an input query, the parser retrieves related exemplars from a retrieval index, augments them to the query, and then applies a generative seq2seq model to produce an output parse. The exemplars act as a control mechanism over the generic generative model: by manipulating the retrieval index or how the augmented query is constructed, we can manipulate the behavior of the parser. On the MTOP dataset, in addition to achieving state-of-the-art on the standard setup, we show that CASPER can parse queries in a new domain, adapt the prediction toward the specified patterns, or adapt to new semantic schemas without having to further re-train the model.


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Pretraining with Contrastive Sentence Objectives Improves Discourse Performance of Language Models
Dan Iter | Kelvin Guu | Larry Lansing | Dan Jurafsky
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

Recent models for unsupervised representation learning of text have employed a number of techniques to improve contextual word representations but have put little focus on discourse-level representations. We propose Conpono, an inter-sentence objective for pretraining language models that models discourse coherence and the distance between sentences. Given an anchor sentence, our model is trained to predict the text k sentences away using a sampled-softmax objective where the candidates consist of neighboring sentences and sentences randomly sampled from the corpus. On the discourse representation benchmark DiscoEval, our model improves over the previous state-of-the-art by up to 13% and on average 4% absolute across 7 tasks. Our model is the same size as BERT-Base, but outperforms the much larger BERT-Large model and other more recent approaches that incorporate discourse. We also show that Conpono yields gains of 2%-6% absolute even for tasks that do not explicitly evaluate discourse: textual entailment (RTE), common sense reasoning (COPA) and reading comprehension (ReCoRD).


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Mapping natural language commands to web elements
Panupong Pasupat | Tian-Shun Jiang | Evan Liu | Kelvin Guu | Percy Liang
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

The web provides a rich, open-domain environment with textual, structural, and spatial properties. We propose a new task for grounding language in this environment: given a natural language command (e.g., “click on the second article”), choose the correct element on the web page (e.g., a hyperlink or text box). We collected a dataset of over 50,000 commands that capture various phenomena such as functional references (e.g. “find who made this site”), relational reasoning (e.g. “article by john”), and visual reasoning (e.g. “top-most article”). We also implemented and analyzed three baseline models that capture different phenomena present in the dataset.

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Generating Sentences by Editing Prototypes
Kelvin Guu | Tatsunori B. Hashimoto | Yonatan Oren | Percy Liang
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Volume 6

We propose a new generative language model for sentences that first samples a prototype sentence from the training corpus and then edits it into a new sentence. Compared to traditional language models that generate from scratch either left-to-right or by first sampling a latent sentence vector, our prototype-then-edit model improves perplexity on language modeling and generates higher quality outputs according to human evaluation. Furthermore, the model gives rise to a latent edit vector that captures interpretable semantics such as sentence similarity and sentence-level analogies.


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From Language to Programs: Bridging Reinforcement Learning and Maximum Marginal Likelihood
Kelvin Guu | Panupong Pasupat | Evan Liu | Percy Liang
Proceedings of the 55th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Our goal is to learn a semantic parser that maps natural language utterances into executable programs when only indirect supervision is available: examples are labeled with the correct execution result, but not the program itself. Consequently, we must search the space of programs for those that output the correct result, while not being misled by spurious programs: incorrect programs that coincidentally output the correct result. We connect two common learning paradigms, reinforcement learning (RL) and maximum marginal likelihood (MML), and then present a new learning algorithm that combines the strengths of both. The new algorithm guards against spurious programs by combining the systematic search traditionally employed in MML with the randomized exploration of RL, and by updating parameters such that probability is spread more evenly across consistent programs. We apply our learning algorithm to a new neural semantic parser and show significant gains over existing state-of-the-art results on a recent context-dependent semantic parsing task.


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Traversing Knowledge Graphs in Vector Space
Kelvin Guu | John Miller | Percy Liang
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing