Kevin Pei
When to Use What: An In-Depth Comparative Empirical Analysis of OpenIE Systems for Downstream Applications
Kevin Pei
Ishan Jindal
Kevin Chen-Chuan Chang
ChengXiang Zhai
Yunyao Li
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) has been used in the pipelines of various NLP tasks. Unfortunately, there is no clear consensus on which models to use in which tasks. Muddying things further is the lack of comparisons that take differing training sets into account. In this paper, we present an application-focused empirical survey of neural OpenIE models, training sets, and benchmarks in an effort to help users choose the most suitable OpenIE systems for their applications. We find that the different assumptions made by different models and datasets have a statistically significant effect on performance, making it important to choose the most appropriate model for one’s applications. We demonstrate the applicability of our recommendations on a downstream Complex QA application.
Abstractive Open Information Extraction
Kevin Pei
Ishan Jindal
Kevin Chang
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Open Information Extraction (OpenIE) is a traditional NLP task that extracts structured information from unstructured text to be used for other downstream applications. Traditionally, OpenIE focuses on extracting the surface forms of relations as they appear in the raw text, which we term extractive OpenIE. One of the main drawbacks of this approach is that implicit semantic relations (inferred relations) can not be extracted, compromising the performance of downstream applications. In this paper, we broaden the scope of OpenIE relations from merely the surface form of relations to include inferred relations, which we term abstractive OpenIE. This new task calls for the development of a new abstractive OpenIE training dataset and a baseline neural model that can extract those inferred relations. We also demonstrate the necessity for a new semantics-based metric for evaluating abstractive OpenIE extractions. Via a case study on Complex QA, we demonstrate the effectiveness of abstractive OpenIE.