Khaled Elsayed


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Improving Factuality in Clinical Abstractive Multi-Document Summarization by Guided Continued Pre-training
Ahmed Elhady | Khaled Elsayed | Eneko Agirre | Mikel Artetxe
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Factual accuracy is an important property of neural abstractive summarization models, especially in fact-critical domains such as the clinical literature. In this work, we introduce a guided continued pre-training stage for encoder-decoder models that improves their understanding of the factual attributes of documents, which is followed by supervised fine-tuning on summarization. Our approach extends the pre-training recipe of BART to incorporate 3 additional objectives based on PICO spans, which capture the population, intervention, comparison, and outcomes related to a clinical study. Experiments on multi-document summarization in the clinical domain demonstrate that our approach is competitive with prior work, improving the quality and factuality of the summaries and achieving the best-published results in factual accuracy on the MSLR task.