Kuntal Pal
EDM3: Event Detection as Multi-task Text Generation
Ujjwala Anantheswaran
Himanshu Gupta
Mihir Parmar
Kuntal Pal
Chitta Baral
Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2024)
We present EDM3, a novel approach for Event Detection (ED) based on decomposing and reformulating ED, and fine-tuning over its atomic subtasks. EDM3 enhances knowledge transfer while mitigating prediction error propagation inherent in pipelined approaches. EDM3 infers dataset-specific knowledge required for the complex primary task from its atomic tasks, making it adaptable to any set of event types. We evaluate EDM3 on multiple ED datasets, achieving state-of-the-art results on RAMS (71.3% vs 65.1% F1), and competitive performance on WikiEvents, MAVEN (∆ = 0.2%), and MLEE (∆ = 1.8%). We present an ablation study over rare event types (<15 instances in training data) in MAVEN, where EDM3 achieves ~90% F1. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, we are the first to analyze ED performance over non-standard event configurations (i.e., multi-word and multi-class triggers). Experimental results show that EDM3 achieves ~90% exact match accuracy on multi-word triggers and ~61% prediction accuracy on multi-class triggers. This work establishes the effectiveness of EDM3 in enhancing performance on a complex information extraction task.