CMI-AIGCX at GenAI Detection Task 2: Leveraging Multilingual Proxy LLMs for Machine-Generated Text Detection in Academic Essays
Kaijie Jiao
Xingyu Yao
Shixuan Ma
Sifan Fang
Zikang Guo
Benfeng Xu
Licheng Zhang
Quan Wang
Yongdong Zhang
Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 1stWorkshop on GenAI Content Detection (GenAIDetect)
This paper presents the approach we proposed for GenAI Detection Task 2, which aims to classify a given text as either machine-generated or human-written, with a particular emphasis on academic essays. We participated in subtasks A and B, which focus on detecting English and Arabic essays, respectively. We propose a simple and efficient method for detecting machine-generated essays, where we use the Llama-3.1-8B as a proxy to capture the essence of each token in the text. These essences are processed and classified using a refined feature classification network. Our approach does not require fine-tuning the LLM. Instead, we leverage its extensive multilingual knowledge acquired during pretraining to significantly enhance detection performance. The results validate the effectiveness of our approach and demonstrate that leveraging a proxy model with diverse multilingual knowledge can significantly enhance the detection of machine-generated text across multiple languages, regardless of model size. In Subtask A, we achieved an F1 score of 99.9%, ranking first out of 26 teams. In Subtask B, we achieved an F1 score of 96.5%, placing fourth out of 22 teams, with the same score as the third-place team.
Feature-Adaptive and Data-Scalable In-Context Learning
Jiahao Li
Quan Wang
Licheng Zhang
Guoqing Jin
Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
In-context learning (ICL), which promotes inference with several demonstrations, has become a widespread paradigm to stimulate LLM capabilities for downstream tasks. Due to context length constraints, it cannot be further improved in spite of more training data, and general features directly from LLMs in ICL are not adaptive to the specific downstream task. In this paper, we propose a feature-adaptive and data-scalable in-context learning framework (FADS-ICL), which can leverage task-adaptive features to promote inference on the downstream task, with the supervision of beyond-context samples.Specifically, it first extracts general features of beyond-context samples via the LLM with ICL input form one by one, and introduces a task-specific modulator to perform feature refinement and prediction after fitting a specific downstream task. We conduct extensive experiments on FADS-ICL under varying data settings (4~128 shots) and LLM scale (0.8~70B) settings. Experimental results show that FADS-ICL consistently outperforms previous state-of-the-art methods by a significant margin under all settings, verifying the effectiveness and superiority of FADS-ICL. For example, under the 1.5B and 32 shots setting, FADS-ICL can achieve +14.3 average accuracy from feature adaptation over vanilla ICL on 10 datasets, with +6.2 average accuracy over the previous state-of-the-art method, and the performance can further improve with increasing training data.
Disentangled Learning with Synthetic Parallel Data for Text Style Transfer
Jingxuan Han
Quan Wang
Zikang Guo
Benfeng Xu
Licheng Zhang
Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Text style transfer (TST) is an important task in natural language generation, which aims to transfer the text style (e.g., sentiment) while keeping its semantic information. Due to the absence of parallel datasets for supervision, most existing studies have been conducted in an unsupervised manner, where the generated sentences often suffer from high semantic divergence and thus low semantic preservation. In this paper, we propose a novel disentanglement-based framework for TST named DisenTrans, where disentanglement means that we separate the attribute and content components in the natural language corpus and consider this task from these two perspectives. Concretely, we first create a disentangled Chain-of-Thought prompting procedure to synthesize parallel data and corresponding attribute components for supervision. Then we develop a disentanglement learning method with synthetic data, where two losses are designed to enhance the focus on attribute properties and constrain the semantic space, thereby benefiting style control and semantic preservation respectively. Instructed by the disentanglement concept, our framework creates valuable supervised information and utilizes it effectively in TST tasks. Extensive experiments on mainstream datasets present that our framework achieves significant performance with great sample efficiency.
Chain-of-Question: A Progressive Question Decomposition Approach for Complex Knowledge Base Question Answering
Peng Yixing
Quan Wang
Licheng Zhang
Yi Liu
Zhendong Mao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024
Complex KBQA leverages the knowledge base (KB) to answer complex natural questions involving complicated semantics like multi-hop reasoning. Existing methods involve a question decomposition process, i.e., breaking a complex question into several simpler sub-questions, to assist obtaining logical forms for querying the KB. However, existing question decomposition process derives all sub-questions directly according to the original question, resulting in limitations when one sub-question relies on the answer from a previous one. In this work, we propose Chain-of-Question, a progressive question decomposition approach to address complex KBQA challenges. First, inspired by chain-of-thought, we design a prompt to guide LLM to sequentially decompose multiple semantically clear sub-questions and provide corresponding reference answers, where each step of the decomposition relies on the previous results. Next, we utilize the decomposition result to select relevant patterns (relation-entity pairs) as accurate and faithful auxiliary information for the following logical form generation. Finally, we jointly perform logical form generation and answer prediction, utilizing the predicted answer to supplement non-executable logical forms. Experimental results demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets.
Knowledge Context Modeling with Pre-trained Language Models for Contrastive Knowledge Graph Completion
Guangqian Yang
Yi Liu
Lei Zhang
Licheng Zhang
Hongtao Xie
Zhendong Mao
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024
Text-based knowledge graph completion (KGC) methods utilize pre-trained language models for triple encoding and further fine-tune the model to achieve completion. Despite their excellent performance, they neglect the knowledge context in inferring process. Intuitively, knowledge contexts, which refer to the neighboring triples around the target triples, are important information for triple inferring, since they provide additional detailed information about the entities. To this end, we propose a novel framework named KnowC, which models the knowledge context as additional prompts with pre-trained language models for knowledge graph completion. Given the substantial number of neighbors typically associated with entities, along with the constrained input token capacity of language models, we further devise several strategies to sample the neighbors. We conduct extensive experiments on common datasets FB15k-237, WN18RR and Wikidata5M, experiments show that KnowC achieves state-of-the-art performance.
IDEATE: Detecting AI-Generated Text Using Internal and External Factual Structures
Quan Wang
Licheng Zhang
Zikang Guo
Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)
The effective detection of AI-generated text is a vital principle to ensure responsible use of large language models (LLMs). Previous studies mainly focused on discovering and utilizing internal evidences contained in the text itself to perform the detection, while ignoring external evidences implicated in an established knowledge graph (KG) which may also be key discriminative factors between AI-generated and human-written text. To address this deficiency, we propose IDEATE, a novel hierarchical graph network that utilizes both internal and external factual structures to detect AI-generated text. IDEATE consists of a mention-level subgraph at the bottom to describe internal factual structures of mentioned entities reflected in the input text, and an entity-level subgraph at the top to describe external factual structures of mentioned entities reflected in an external KG. Hierarchical graph convolution is then applied successively on the two subgraphs, through which the two types of factual structures will be embedded into the output and used for the final detection. Extensive experiments on four benchmarking datasets show that IDEATE consistently outperforms current state-of-the-art methods in detecting text generated by various LLMs, ranging from GPT-2 to the more powerful ChatGPT, verifying the necessity and superiority of introducing external evidences for AI-generated text detection.
USTC-BUPT at SemEval-2024 Task 8: Enhancing Machine-Generated Text Detection via Domain Adversarial Neural Networks and LLM Embeddings
Zikang Guo
Kaijie Jiao
Xingyu Yao
Yuning Wan
Haoran Li
Benfeng Xu
Licheng Zhang
Quan Wang
Yongdong Zhang
Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)
This paper introduces the system developed by USTC-BUPT for SemEval-2024 Task 8. The shared task comprises three subtasks across four tracks, aiming to develop automatic systems to distinguish between human-written and machine-generated text across various domains, languages and generators. Our system comprises four components: DATeD, LLAM, TLE, and AuDM, which empower us to effectively tackle all subtasks posed by the challenge. In the monolingual track, DATeD improves machine-generated text detection by incorporating a gradient reversal layer and integrating additional domain labels through Domain Adversarial Neural Networks, enhancing adaptation to diverse text domains. In the multilingual track, LLAM employs different strategies based on language characteristics. For English text, the LLM Embeddings approach utilizes embeddings from a proxy LLM followed by a two-stage CNN for classification, leveraging the broad linguistic knowledge captured during pre-training to enhance performance. For text in other languages, the LLM Sentinel approach transforms the classification task into a next-token prediction task, which facilitates easier adaptation to texts in various languages, especially low-resource languages. TLE utilizes the LLM Embeddings method with a minor modification in the classification strategy for subtask B. AuDM employs data augmentation and fine-tunes the DeBERTa model specifically for subtask C. Our system wins the multilingual track and ranks second in the monolingual track. Additionally, it achieves third place in both subtask B and C.
Text Style Transfer with Contrastive Transfer Pattern Mining
Jingxuan Han
Quan Wang
Licheng Zhang
Weidong Chen
Yan Song
Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Text style transfer (TST) is an important task in natural language generation, which aims to alter the stylistic attributes (e.g., sentiment) of a sentence and keep its semantic meaning unchanged. Most existing studies mainly focus on the transformation between styles, yet ignore that this transformation can be actually carried out via different hidden transfer patterns. To address this problem, we propose a novel approach, contrastive transfer pattern mining (CTPM), which automatically mines and utilizes inherent latent transfer patterns to improve the performance of TST. Specifically, we design an adaptive clustering module to automatically discover hidden transfer patterns from the data, and introduce contrastive learning based on the discovered patterns to obtain more accurate sentence representations, and thereby benefit the TST task. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work that proposes the concept of transfer patterns in TST, and our approach can be applied in a plug-and-play manner to enhance other TST methods to further improve their performance. Extensive experiments on benchmark datasets verify the effectiveness and generality of our approach.
Random Entity Quantization for Parameter-Efficient Compositional Knowledge Graph Representation
Jiaang Li
Quan Wang
Yi Liu
Licheng Zhang
Zhendong Mao
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Representation Learning on Knowledge Graphs (KGs) is essential for downstream tasks. The dominant approach, KG Embedding (KGE), represents entities with independent vectors and faces the scalability challenge. Recent studies propose an alternative way for parameter efficiency, which represents entities by composing entity-corresponding codewords matched from predefined small-scale codebooks. We refer to the process of obtaining corresponding codewords of each entity as entity quantization, for which previous works have designed complicated strategies. Surprisingly, this paper shows that simple random entity quantization can achieve similar results to current strategies. We analyze this phenomenon and reveal that entity codes, the quantization outcomes for expressing entities, have higher entropy at the code level and Jaccard distance at the codeword level under random entity quantization. Therefore, different entities become more easily distinguished, facilitating effective KG representation. The above results show that current quantization strategies are not critical for KG representation, and there is still room for improvement in entity distinguishability beyond current strategies.
Curriculum Learning for Natural Language Understanding
Benfeng Xu
Licheng Zhang
Zhendong Mao
Quan Wang
Hongtao Xie
Yongdong Zhang
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics
With the great success of pre-trained language models, the pretrain-finetune paradigm now becomes the undoubtedly dominant solution for natural language understanding (NLU) tasks. At the fine-tune stage, target task data is usually introduced in a completely random order and treated equally. However, examples in NLU tasks can vary greatly in difficulty, and similar to human learning procedure, language models can benefit from an easy-to-difficult curriculum. Based on this idea, we propose our Curriculum Learning approach. By reviewing the trainset in a crossed way, we are able to distinguish easy examples from difficult ones, and arrange a curriculum for language models. Without any manual model architecture design or use of external data, our Curriculum Learning approach obtains significant and universal performance improvements on a wide range of NLU tasks.