Liming Zhan


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Revisit Few-shot Intent Classification with PLMs: Direct Fine-tuning vs. Continual Pre-training
Haode Zhang | Haowen Liang | Liming Zhan | Albert Y.S. Lam | Xiao-Ming Wu
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

We consider the task of few-shot intent detection, which involves training a deep learning model to classify utterances based on their underlying intents using only a small amount of labeled data. The current approach to address this problem is through continual pre-training, i.e., fine-tuning pre-trained language models (PLMs) on external resources (e.g., conversational corpora, public intent detection datasets, or natural language understanding datasets) before using them as utterance encoders for training an intent classifier. In this paper, we show that continual pre-training may not be essential, since the overfitting problem of PLMs on this task may not be as serious as expected. Specifically, we find that directly fine-tuning PLMs on only a handful of labeled examples already yields decent results compared to methods that employ continual pre-training, and the performance gap diminishes rapidly as the number of labeled data increases. To maximize the utilization of the limited available data, we propose a context augmentation method and leverage sequential self-distillation to boost performance. Comprehensive experiments on real-world benchmarks show that given only two or more labeled samples per class, direct fine-tuning outperforms many strong baselines that utilize external data sources for continual pre-training. The code can be found at

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Towards LLM-driven Dialogue State Tracking
Yujie Feng | Zexin Lu | Bo Liu | Liming Zhan | Xiao-Ming Wu
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Dialogue State Tracking (DST) is of paramount importance in ensuring accurate tracking of user goals and system actions within task-oriented dialogue systems. The emergence of large language models (LLMs) such as GPT3 and ChatGPT has sparked considerable interest in assessing their efficacy across diverse applications. In this study, we conduct an initial examination of ChatGPT’s capabilities in DST. Our evaluation uncovers the exceptional performance of ChatGPT in this task, offering valuable insights to researchers regarding its capabilities and providing useful directions for designing and enhancing dialogue systems. Despite its impressive performance, ChatGPT has significant limitations including its closed-source nature, request restrictions, raising data privacy concerns, and lacking local deployment capabilities. To address these concerns, we present LDST, an LLM-driven DST framework based on smaller, open-source foundation models. By utilizing a novel domain-slot instruction tuning method, LDST achieves performance on par with ChatGPT. Comprehensive evaluations across three distinct experimental settings, we find that LDST exhibits remarkable performance improvements in both zero-shot and few-shot setting compared to previous SOTA methods. The source code is provided for reproducibility.


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Fine-tuning Pre-trained Language Models for Few-shot Intent Detection: Supervised Pre-training and Isotropization
Haode Zhang | Haowen Liang | Yuwei Zhang | Liming Zhan | Xiaolei Lu | Albert Lam | Xiao-Ming Wu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies

It is challenging to train a good intent classifier for a task-oriented dialogue system with only a few annotations. Recent studies have shown that fine-tuning pre-trained language models with a small set of labeled utterances from public benchmarks in a supervised manner is extremely helpful. However, we find that supervised pre-training yields an anisotropic feature space, which may suppress the expressive power of the semantic representations. Inspired by recent research in isotropization, we propose to improve supervised pre-training by regularizing the feature space towards isotropy. We propose two regularizers based on contrastive learning and correlation matrix respectively, and demonstrate their effectiveness through extensive experiments. Our main finding is that it is promising to regularize supervised pre-training with isotropization to further improve the performance of few-shot intent detection. The source code can be found at