DLUE: Benchmarking Document Language Understanding
Xu Ruoxi
Lin Hongyu
Guan Xinyan
Sun Yingfei
Sun Le
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“Understanding documents is central to many real-world tasks but remains a challenging topic.Unfortunately, there is no well-established consensus on how to comprehensively evaluate docu-ment understanding abilities, which significantly hinders the fair comparison and measuring theprogress of the field. To benchmark document understanding researches, this paper summarizesfour representative abilities, i.e., document classification, document structural analysis, docu-ment information extraction, and document transcription. Under the new evaluation framework,we propose Document Language Understanding Evaluation – DLUE, a new task suite whichcovers a wide-range of tasks in various forms, domains and document genres. We also systemat-ically evaluate six well-established transformer models and representative LLMs on DLUE, andfind that due to the lengthy content, complicated underlying structure and dispersed knowledge,document understanding is still far from being solved in complex real-world scenarios.”
Pattern Shifting or Knowledge Losing? A Forgetting Perspective for Understanding the Effect of Instruction Fine-Tuning
Zhang Chunkang
Cao Boxi
Lu Yaojie
Lin Hongyu
Cao Liu
Zeng Ke
Wan Guanglu
Cai Xunliang
Han Xianpei
Sun Le
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)
“Instruction Fine-Tuning(IFT) emerges as an essential step of training large language models torobustly carry out tasks of interest. However, there lacks a systematic investigation about theunderlying mechanisms of instruction fine-tuning, particularly on the forgetting phenomenonafter IFT, known as alignment tax. Therefore, to understand the mechanism of IFT from theforgetting perspective, we investigate the alternation of the text pattern and knowledge withinmodels throughout the entire IFT process. Specifically, we restore fine-tuned models to their baseversion by training them on the data sharing a similar distribution with the pre-training corpusand compare their results Our experiment indicates that there is a stage transition of forgettingduring IFT process: (1) Pseudo Forgetting: in this stage, models mainly shift their familiar textpattern away from pre-training data format while the world knowledge is preserved. Consequently,models will recover to their original performance when they are restored to the base version. (2)Actual Forgetting: in this stage, models forget the acquired knowledge as well. Therefore, theyfail to reach the original performance even if they are restored to the base version.”
Document Information Extraction via Global Tagging
He Shaojie
Wang Tianshu
Lu Yaojie
Lin Hongyu
Han Xianpei
Sun Yingfei
Sun Le
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
“Document Information Extraction (DIE) is a crucial task for extracting key information fromvisually-rich documents. The typical pipeline approach for this task involves Optical Charac-ter Recognition (OCR), serializer, Semantic Entity Recognition (SER), and Relation Extraction(RE) modules. However, this pipeline presents significant challenges in real-world scenariosdue to issues such as unnatural text order and error propagation between different modules. Toaddress these challenges, we propose a novel tagging-based method – Global TaggeR (GTR),which converts the original sequence labeling task into a token relation classification task. Thisapproach globally links discontinuous semantic entities in complex layouts, and jointly extractsentities and relations from documents. In addition, we design a joint training loss and a jointdecoding strategy for SER and RE tasks based on GTR. Our experiments on multiple datasetsdemonstrate that GTR not only mitigates the issue of text in the wrong order but also improvesRE performance. Introduction”
SentBench: Comprehensive Evaluation of Self-Supervised Sentence Representation with Benchmark Construction
Liu Xiaoming
Lin Hongyu
Han Xianpei
Sun Le
Proceedings of the 22nd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
“Self-supervised learning has been widely used to learn effective sentence representations. Previ-ous evaluation of sentence representations mainly focuses on the limited combination of tasks andparadigms while failing to evaluate their effectiveness in a wider range of application scenarios. Such divergences prevent us from understanding the limitations of current sentence representa-tions, as well as the connections between learning approaches and downstream applications. Inthis paper, we propose SentBench, a new comprehensive benchmark to evaluate sentence repre-sentations. SentBench covers 12 kinds of tasks and evaluates sentence representations with threetypes of different downstream application paradigms. Based on SentBench, we re-evaluate sev-eral frequently used self-supervised sentence representation learning approaches. Experimentsshow that SentBench can effectively evaluate sentence representations from multiple perspec-tives, and the performance on SentBench leads to some novel findings which enlighten futureresearches.”
From Learning-to-Match to Learning-to-Discriminate:Global Prototype Learning for Few-shot Relation Classification
Liu Fangchao
Xiao Xinyan
Yan Lingyong
Lin Hongyu
Han Xianpei
Dai Dai
Wu Hua
Sun Le
Proceedings of the 20th Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics
Few-shot relation classification has attracted great attention recently and is regarded as an ef-fective way to tackle the long-tail problem in relation classification. Most previous works onfew-shot relation classification are based on learning-to-match paradigms which focus on learn-ing an effective universal matcher between the query and one target class prototype based oninner-class support sets. However the learning-to-match paradigm focuses on capturing the sim-ilarity knowledge between query and class prototype while fails to consider discriminative infor-mation between different candidate classes. Such information is critical especially when targetclasses are highly confusing and domain shifting exists between training and testing phases. Inthis paper we propose the Global Transformed Prototypical Networks(GTPN) which learns tobuild a few-shot model to directly discriminate between the query and all target classes with bothinner-class local information and inter-class global information. Such learning-to-discriminate paradigm can make the model concentrate more on the discriminative knowledge between allcandidate classes and therefore leads to better classification performance. We conducted exper-iments on standard FewRel benchmarks. Experimental results show that GTPN achieves very competitive performance on few-shot relation classification and reached the best performance onthe official leaderboard of FewRel 2.0 1.