Linmei Hu


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How Proficient Are Large Language Models in Formal Languages? An In-Depth Insight for Knowledge Base Question Answering
Jinxin Liu | Shulin Cao | Jiaxin Shi | Tingjian Zhang | Lunyiu Nie | Linmei Hu | Lei Hou | Juanzi Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Knowledge Base Question Answering (KBQA) aims to answer natural language questions based on facts in knowledge bases. A typical approach to KBQA is semantic parsing, which translates a question into an executable logical form in a formal language. Recent works leverage the capabilities of large language models (LLMs) for logical form generation to improve performance. However, although it is validated that LLMs are capable of solving some KBQA problems, there has been little discussion on the differences in LLMs’ proficiency in formal languages used in semantic parsing. In this work, we propose to evaluate the understanding and generation ability of LLMs to deal with differently structured logical forms by examining the inter-conversion of natural and formal language through in-context learning of LLMs. Extensive experiments with models of different sizes show that state-of-the-art LLMs can understand formal languages as well as humans, but generating correct logical forms given a few examples remains a challenge. Most importantly, our results also indicate that LLMs exhibit considerable sensitivity. In general, the formal language with a lower formalization level, i.e., the more similar it is to natural language, is more friendly to LLMs. Code and data can be found at


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Causal Intervention and Counterfactual Reasoning for Multi-modal Fake News Detection
Ziwei Chen | Linmei Hu | Weixin Li | Yingxia Shao | Liqiang Nie
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Due to the rapid upgrade of social platforms, most of today’s fake news is published and spread in a multi-modal form. Most existing multi-modal fake news detection methods neglect the fact that some label-specific features learned from the training set cannot generalize well to the testing set, thus inevitably suffering from the harm caused by the latent data bias. In this paper, we analyze and identify the psycholinguistic bias in the text and the bias of inferring news label based on only image features. We mitigate these biases from a causality perspective and propose a Causal intervention and Counterfactual reasoning based Debiasing framework (CCD) for multi-modal fake news detection. To achieve our goal, we first utilize causal intervention to remove the psycholinguistic bias which introduces the spurious correlations between text features and news label. And then, we apply counterfactual reasoning by imagining a counterfactual world where each news has only image features for estimating the direct effect of the image. Therefore we can eliminate the image-only bias by deducting the direct effect of the image from the total effect on labels. Extensive experiments on two real-world benchmark datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our framework for improving multi-modal fake news detection.

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Knowledgeable Parameter Efficient Tuning Network for Commonsense Question Answering
Ziwang Zhao | Linmei Hu | Hanyu Zhao | Yingxia Shao | Yequan Wang
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Commonsense question answering is important for making decisions about everyday matters. Although existing commonsense question answering works based on fully fine-tuned PLMs have achieved promising results, they suffer from prohibitive computation costs as well as poor interpretability. Some works improve the PLMs by incorporating knowledge to provide certain evidence, via elaborately designed GNN modules which require expertise. In this paper, we propose a simple knowledgeable parameter efficient tuning network to couple PLMs with external knowledge for commonsense question answering. Specifically, we design a trainable parameter-sharing adapter attached to a parameter-freezing PLM to incorporate knowledge at a small cost. The adapter is equipped with both entity- and query-related knowledge via two auxiliary knowledge-related tasks (i.e., span masking and relation discrimination). To make the adapter focus on the relevant knowledge, we design gating and attention mechanisms to respectively filter and fuse the query information from the PLM. Extensive experiments on two benchmark datasets show that KPE is parameter-efficient and can effectively incorporate knowledge for improving commonsense question answering.

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Narrative Order Aware Story Generation via Bidirectional Pretraining Model with Optimal Transport Reward
Zhicong Lu | Li Jin | Guangluan Xu | Linmei Hu | Nayu Liu | Xiaoyu Li | Xian Sun | Zequn Zhang | Kaiwen Wei
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

To create a captivating story, a writer often plans a sequence of logically coherent events and ingeniously manipulates the narrative order to generate flashback in place. However, existing storytelling systems suffer from both insufficient understanding of event correlations and inadequate awareness of event temporal order (e.g., go to hospital <after> get ill), making it challenging to generate high-quality events that balance the logic and narrative order of story. In this paper, we propose a narrative order aware framework BPOT (Bidirectional Pretraining Model with Optimal Transport Reward) for story generation, which presents a bidirectional pretrained model to encode event correlations and pairwise event order. We also design a reinforcement learning algorithm with novel optimal transport reward to further improve the quality of generated events in the fine-tuning stage. Specifically, a narrative order aware event sequence model is pretrained with the joint learning objectives of event blank infilling and pairwise order prediction. Then, reinforcement learning with novel optimal transport reward is designed to further improve the generated event quality in the fine-tuning stage. The novel optimal transport reward captures the mappings between the generated events and the sentences in the story, effectively measuring the quality of generated events. Both automatic and manual evaluation results demonstrate the superiority of our framework in generating logically coherent stories with flashbacks.


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Compare to The Knowledge: Graph Neural Fake News Detection with External Knowledge
Linmei Hu | Tianchi Yang | Luhao Zhang | Wanjun Zhong | Duyu Tang | Chuan Shi | Nan Duan | Ming Zhou
Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 11th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Nowadays, fake news detection, which aims to verify whether a news document is trusted or fake, has become urgent and important. Most existing methods rely heavily on linguistic and semantic features from the news content, and fail to effectively exploit external knowledge which could help determine whether the news document is trusted. In this paper, we propose a novel end-to-end graph neural model called CompareNet, which compares the news to the knowledge base (KB) through entities for fake news detection. Considering that fake news detection is correlated with topics, we also incorporate topics to enrich the news representation. Specifically, we first construct a directed heterogeneous document graph for each news incorporating topics and entities. Based on the graph, we develop a heterogeneous graph attention network for learning the topic-enriched news representation as well as the contextual entity representations that encode the semantics of the news content. The contextual entity representations are then compared to the corresponding KB-based entity representations through a carefully designed entity comparison network, to capture the consistency between the news content and KB. Finally, the topic-enriched news representation combining the entity comparison features is fed into a fake news classifier. Experimental results on two benchmark datasets demonstrate that CompareNet significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods.


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Graph Neural News Recommendation with Unsupervised Preference Disentanglement
Linmei Hu | Siyong Xu | Chen Li | Cheng Yang | Chuan Shi | Nan Duan | Xing Xie | Ming Zhou
Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics

With the explosion of news information, personalized news recommendation has become very important for users to quickly find their interested contents. Most existing methods usually learn the representations of users and news from news contents for recommendation. However, they seldom consider high-order connectivity underlying the user-news interactions. Moreover, existing methods failed to disentangle a user’s latent preference factors which cause her clicks on different news. In this paper, we model the user-news interactions as a bipartite graph and propose a novel Graph Neural News Recommendation model with Unsupervised Preference Disentanglement, named GNUD. Our model can encode high-order relationships into user and news representations by information propagation along the graph. Furthermore, the learned representations are disentangled with latent preference factors by a neighborhood routing algorithm, which can enhance expressiveness and interpretability. A preference regularizer is also designed to force each disentangled subspace to independently reflect an isolated preference, improving the quality of the disentangled representations. Experimental results on real-world news datasets demonstrate that our proposed model can effectively improve the performance of news recommendation and outperform state-of-the-art news recommendation methods.


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Improving Distantly-Supervised Relation Extraction with Joint Label Embedding
Linmei Hu | Luhao Zhang | Chuan Shi | Liqiang Nie | Weili Guan | Cheng Yang
Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and the 9th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (EMNLP-IJCNLP)

Distantly-supervised relation extraction has proven to be effective to find relational facts from texts. However, the existing approaches treat labels as independent and meaningless one-hot vectors, which cause a loss of potential label information for selecting valid instances. In this paper, we propose a novel multi-layer attention-based model to improve relation extraction with joint label embedding. The model makes full use of both structural information from Knowledge Graphs and textual information from entity descriptions to learn label embeddings through gating integration while avoiding the imposed noise with an attention mechanism. Then the learned label embeddings are used as another atten- tion over the instances (whose embeddings are also enhanced with the entity descriptions) for improving relation extraction. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our model significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods.


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TSDPMM: Incorporating Prior Topic Knowledge into Dirichlet Process Mixture Models for Text Clustering
Linmei Hu | Juanzi Li | Xiaoli Li | Chao Shao | Xuzhong Wang
Proceedings of the 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

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Learning Topic Hierarchies for Wikipedia Categories
Linmei Hu | Xuzhong Wang | Mengdi Zhang | Juanzi Li | Xiaoli Li | Chao Shao | Jie Tang | Yongbin Liu
Proceedings of the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (Volume 2: Short Papers)