Luke Bates
Like a Good Nearest Neighbor: Practical Content Moderation and Text Classification
Luke Bates
Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 18th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Few-shot text classification systems have impressive capabilities but are infeasible to deploy and use reliably due to their dependence on prompting and billion-parameter language models. SetFit (Tunstall, 2022) is a recent, practical approach that fine-tunes a Sentence Transformer under a contrastive learning paradigm and achieves similar results to more unwieldy systems. Inexpensive text classification is important for addressing the problem of domain drift in all classification tasks, and especially in detecting harmful content, which plagues social media platforms. Here, we propose Like a Good Nearest Neighbor (LaGoNN), a modification to SetFit that introduces no learnable parameters but alters input text with information from its nearest neighbor, for example, the label and text, in the training data, making novel data appear similar to an instance on which the model was optimized. LaGoNN is effective at flagging undesirable content and text classification, and improves SetFit’s performance. To demonstrate LaGoNN’s value, we conduct a thorough study of text classification systems in the context of content moderation under four label distributions, and in general and multilingual classification settings.
Lessons Learned from a Citizen Science Project for Natural Language Processing
Jan-Christoph Klie
Ji-Ung Lee
Kevin Stowe
Gözde Şahin
Nafise Sadat Moosavi
Luke Bates
Dominic Petrak
Richard Eckart De Castilho
Iryna Gurevych
Proceedings of the 17th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics
Many Natural Language Processing (NLP) systems use annotated corpora for training and evaluation. However, labeled data is often costly to obtain and scaling annotation projects is difficult, which is why annotation tasks are often outsourced to paid crowdworkers. Citizen Science is an alternative to crowdsourcing that is relatively unexplored in the context of NLP. To investigate whether and how well Citizen Science can be applied in this setting, we conduct an exploratory study into engaging different groups of volunteers in Citizen Science for NLP by re-annotating parts of a pre-existing crowdsourced dataset. Our results show that this can yield high-quality annotations and at- tract motivated volunteers, but also requires considering factors such as scalability, participation over time, and legal and ethical issues. We summarize lessons learned in the form of guidelines and provide our code and data to aid future work on Citizen Science.