Lv Lei


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Knowledge Graph-Enhanced Recommendation with Box Embeddings
Liang Qiuyu | Wang Weihua | Lv Lei | Bao Feilong
Proceedings of the 23rd Chinese National Conference on Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Main Conference)

“Knowledge graphs are used to alleviate the problems of data sparsity and cold starts in recom-mendation systems. However, most existing approaches ignore the hierarchical structure of theknowledge graph. In this paper, we propose a box embedding method for knowledge graph-enhanced recommendation system. Specifically, the box embedding represents not only the in-teraction between the user and the item, but also the head entity, the tail entity and the relationbetween them in the knowledge graph. Then the interaction between the item and the corre-sponding entity is calculated by the multi-task attention unit. Experimental results show thatour method provides a large improvement over previous models in terms of Area Under Curve(AUC) and accuracy in publicly available recommendation datasets with three different domains.”