Marina Haid
IMSurReal: IMS at the Surface Realization Shared Task 2019
Xiang Yu
Agnieszka Falenska
Marina Haid
Ngoc Thang Vu
Jonas Kuhn
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Multilingual Surface Realisation (MSR 2019)
We introduce the IMS contribution to the Surface Realization Shared Task 2019. Our submission achieves the state-of-the-art performance without using any external resources. The system takes a pipeline approach consisting of five steps: linearization, completion, inflection, contraction, and detokenization. We compare the performance of our linearization algorithm with two external baselines and report results for each step in the pipeline. Furthermore, we perform detailed error analysis revealing correlation between word order freedom and difficulty of the linearization task.
BrainT at IEST 2018: Fine-tuning Multiclass Perceptron For Implicit Emotion Classification
Vachagan Gratian
Marina Haid
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis
We present BrainT, a multi-class, averaged perceptron tested on implicit emotion prediction of tweets. We show that the dataset is linearly separable and explore ways in fine-tuning the baseline classifier. Our results indicate that the bag-of-words features benefit the model moderately and prediction can be improved with bigrams, trigrams, skip-one-tetragrams and POS-tags. Furthermore, we find preprocessing of the n-grams, including stemming, lowercasing, stopword filtering, emoji and emoticon conversion generally not useful. The model is trained on an annotated corpus of 153,383 tweets and predictions on the test data were submitted to the WASSA-2018 Implicit Emotion Shared Task. BrainT attained a Macro F-score of 0.63.