Martin Platek

Also published as: Martin Plátek


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Word-Order Relaxations & Restrictions within a Dependency Grammar
Martin Plátek | Tomáš Holan | Vladislav Kuboň | Karel Oliva
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Parsing Technologies


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Two Useful Measures of Word Order Complexity
Tomas Holan | Vladislav Kubon | Karel Oliva | Martin Platek
Processing of Dependency-Based Grammars


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Formal Tools for Separating Syntactically Correct and Incorrect Structures
Martin Plátek | Vladislav Kuboň | Tomáš Holan
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies

In this paper we introduce a class of formal grammars with special measures capable to describe typical syntactic inconsistencies in free word order languages. By means of these measures it is possible to characterize more precisely the problems connected with the task of building a robust parser or a grammar checker of Czech.

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A Prototype of a Grammar Checker for Czech
Tomáš Holan | Vladislav Kuboň | Martin Plátek
Fifth Conference on Applied Natural Language Processing


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An Implementation of Syntactic Analysis of Czech
Tomáš Holan | Vladislav Kuboň | Martin Plátek
Proceedings of the Fourth International Workshop on Parsing Technologies

This paper describes current results achieved during the work on parsing of a free-word-order natural language (Czech) . It contains theoretical base for a new class of grammars - CFG extended for dependecies and non-projectivities – and also the description of the implementation of a parser and grammar-checker. The paper also describes some typical problems of parsing of free-word-order languages and their solutions (or discusssion of those problems), which are still subject of investigation. The implementation described here serves currently as a testing tool for the development of a large scale grammar of Czech. Some of the quantitative data from a processing of test sentences are also included.


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A Grammar Based Approach to a Grammar Checking of Free Word Order Languages
Vladislav Kubon | Martin Platek
COLING 1994 Volume 2: The 15th International Conference on Computational Linguistics


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List Automata With Syntactically Structured Output
Karel Oli̊va | Martin Platek
Coling Budapest 1988 Volume 2: International Conference on Computational Linguistics


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Composition of Translation Schemes with D-Trees
Martin Platek
Coling 1982: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics