Martin Stephenson
Towards Automated Extraction of Business Constraints from Unstructured Regulatory Text
Rahul Nair
Killian Levacher
Martin Stephenson
Proceedings of the 27th International Conference on Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations
Large organizations spend considerable resources in reviewing regulations and ensuring that their business processes are compliant with the law. To make compliance workflows more efficient and responsive, we present a system for machine-driven annotations of legal documents. A set of natural language processing pipelines are designed and aimed at addressing some key questions in this domain: (a) is this (new) regulation relevant for me? (b) what set of requirements does this law impose?, and (c) what is the regulatory intent of a law? The system is currently undergoing user trials within our organization.
Decision Conversations Decoded
Léa Deleris
Debasis Ganguly
Killian Levacher
Martin Stephenson
Francesca Bonin
Proceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Demonstrations
We describe the vision and current version of a Natural Language Processing system aimed at group decision making facilitation. Borrowing from the scientific field of Decision Analysis, its essential role is to identify alternatives and criteria associated with a given decision, to keep track of who proposed them and of the expressed sentiment towards them. Based on this information, the system can help identify agreement and dissent or recommend an alternative. Overall, it seeks to help a group reach a decision in a natural yet auditable fashion.