Martinho Dossantos
Spoken Conversational Search for General Knowledge
Lina M. Rojas Barahona
Pascal Bellec
Benoit Besset
Martinho Dossantos
Johannes Heinecke
Munshi Asadullah
Olivier Leblouch
Jeanyves. Lancien
Geraldine Damnati
Emmanuel Mory
Frederic Herledan
Proceedings of the 20th Annual SIGdial Meeting on Discourse and Dialogue
We present a spoken conversational question answering proof of concept that is able to answer questions about general knowledge from Wikidata. The dialogue agent does not only orchestrate various agents but also solve coreferences and ellipsis.
Fix data
- Munshi Asadullah 1
- Pascal Bellec 1
- Benoit Besset 1
- Géraldine Damnati 1
- Johannes Heinecke 1
- show all...