Michalis Korakakis
ALVIN: Active Learning Via INterpolation
Michalis Korakakis
Andreas Vlachos
Adrian Weller
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing
Active Learning aims to minimize annotation effort by selecting the most useful instances from a pool of unlabeled data. However, typical active learning methods overlook the presence of distinct example groups within a class, whose prevalence may vary, e.g., in occupation classification datasets certain demographics are disproportionately represented in specific classes. This oversight causes models to rely on shortcuts for predictions, i.e., spurious correlations between input attributes and labels occurring in well-represented groups. To address this issue, we propose Active Learning Via INterpolation (ALVIN), which conducts intra-class interpolations between examples from under-represented and well-represented groups to create anchors, i.e., artificial points situated between the example groups in the representation space. By selecting instances close to the anchors for annotation, ALVIN identifies informative examples exposing the model to regions of the representation space that counteract the influence of shortcuts. Crucially, since the model considers these examples to be of high certainty, they are likely to be ignored by typical active learning methods. Experimental results on six datasets encompassing sentiment analysis, natural language inference, and paraphrase detection demonstrate that ALVIN outperforms state-of-the-art active learning methods in both in-distribution and out-of-distribution generalization.
Improving the robustness of NLI models with minimax training
Michalis Korakakis
Andreas Vlachos
Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)
Natural language inference (NLI) models are susceptible to learning shortcuts, i.e. decision rules that spuriously correlate with the label. As a result, they achieve high in-distribution performance, but fail to generalize to out-of-distribution samples where such correlations do not hold. In this paper, we present a training method to reduce the reliance of NLI models on shortcuts and improve their out-of-distribution performance without assuming prior knowledge of the shortcuts being targeted. To this end, we propose a minimax objective between a learner model being trained for the NLI task, and an auxiliary model aiming to maximize the learner’s loss by up-weighting examples from regions of the input space where the learner incurs high losses. This process incentivizes the learner to focus on under-represented “hard” examples with patterns that contradict the shortcuts learned from the prevailing “easy” examples. Experimental results on three NLI datasets demonstrate that our method consistently outperforms other robustness enhancing techniques on out-of-distribution adversarial test sets, while maintaining high in-distribution accuracy.
Improving Scheduled Sampling with Elastic Weight Consolidation for Neural Machine Translation
Michalis Korakakis
Andreas Vlachos
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2022
Despite strong performance in many sequence-to-sequence tasks, autoregressive models trained with maximum likelihood estimation suffer from exposure bias, i.e. the discrepancy between the ground-truth prefixes used during training and the model-generated prefixes used at inference time. Scheduled sampling is a simple and empirically successful approach which addresses this issue by incorporating model-generated prefixes into training. However, it has been argued that it is an inconsistent training objective leading to models ignoring the prefixes altogether. In this paper, we conduct systematic experiments and find that scheduled sampling, while it ameliorates exposure bias by increasing model reliance on the input sequence, worsens performance when the prefix at inference time is correct, a form of catastrophic forgetting. We propose to use Elastic Weight Consolidation to better balance mitigating exposure bias with retaining performance. Experiments on four IWSLT’14 and WMT’14 translation datasets demonstrate that our approach alleviates catastrophic forgetting and significantly outperforms maximum likelihood estimation and scheduled sampling baselines.