Minchan Jeong


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Hard Prompts Made Interpretable: Sparse Entropy Regularization for Prompt Tuning with RL
Yunseon Choi | Sangmin Bae | Seonghyun Ban | Minchan Jeong | Chuheng Zhang | Lei Song | Li Zhao | Jiang Bian | Kee-Eung Kim
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

With the advent of foundation models, prompt tuning has positioned itself as an important technique for directing model behaviors and eliciting desired responses. Prompt tuning regards selecting appropriate keywords included into the input, thereby adapting to the downstream task without adjusting or fine-tuning the model parameters. There is a wide range of work in prompt tuning, from approaches that directly harness the backpropagated gradient signals from the model, to those employing black-box optimization such as reinforcement learning (RL) methods. Our primary focus is on RLPrompt, which aims to find optimal prompt tokens leveraging soft Q-learning. While the results show promise, we have observed that the prompts frequently appear unnatural, which impedes their interpretability. We address this limitation by using sparse Tsallis entropy regularization, a principled approach to filtering out unlikely tokens from consideration. We extensively evaluate our approach across various tasks, including few-shot text classification, unsupervised text style transfer, and textual inversion from images. The results indicate a notable improvement over baselines, highlighting the efficacy of our approach in addressing the challenges of prompt tuning. Moreover, we show that the prompts discovered using our method are more natural and interpretable compared to those from other baselines.


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Revisiting Intermediate Layer Distillation for Compressing Language Models: An Overfitting Perspective
Jongwoo Ko | Seungjoon Park | Minchan Jeong | Sukjin Hong | Euijai Ahn | Du-Seong Chang | Se-Young Yun
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EACL 2023

Knowledge distillation (KD) is a highly promising method for mitigating the computational problems of pre-trained language models (PLMs). Among various KD approaches, Intermediate Layer Distillation (ILD) has been a de facto standard KD method with its performance efficacy in the NLP field. In this paper, we find that existing ILD methods are prone to overfitting to training datasets, although these methods transfer more information than the original KD. Next, we present the simple observations to mitigate the overfitting of ILD: distilling only the last Transformer layer and conducting ILD on supplementary tasks. Based on our two findings, we propose a simple yet effective consistency-regularized ILD (CR-ILD), which prevents the student model from overfitting the training dataset. Substantial experiments on distilling BERT on the GLUE benchmark and several synthetic datasets demonstrate that our proposed ILD method outperforms other KD techniques. Our code is available at https://github.com/jongwooko/CR-ILD.

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Bayesian Multi-Task Transfer Learning for Soft Prompt Tuning
Haeju Lee | Minchan Jeong | Se-Young Yun | Kee-Eung Kim
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Prompt tuning, in which prompts are optimized to adapt large-scale pre-trained language models to downstream tasks instead of fine-tuning the full model parameters, has been shown to be particularly effective when the prompts are trained in the multi-task transfer learning setting. These methods generally involve individually training prompts for each source task and then aggregating them to provide the initialization of the prompt for the target task. However, this approach critically ignores the fact that some of the source tasks could be negatively or positively interfering with each other. We argue that when we extract knowledge from source tasks via training source prompts, we need to consider this correlation among source tasks for better transfer to target tasks. To this end, we propose a Bayesian approach where we work with the posterior distribution of prompts across source tasks. We obtain representative source prompts corresponding to the samples from the posterior utilizing Stein Variational Gradient Descent, which are then aggregated to constitute the initial target prompt. We show extensive experimental results on the standard benchmark NLP tasks, where our Bayesian multi-task transfer learning approach outperforms the state-of-the-art methods in many settings. Furthermore, our approach requires no auxiliary models other than the prompt itself, achieving high degree of parameter-efficiency.