Mingyang Wang


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How Transliterations Improve Crosslingual Alignment
Yihong Liu | Mingyang Wang | Amir Hossein Kargaran | Ayyoob ImaniGooghari | Orgest Xhelili | Haotian Ye | Chunlan Ma | François Yvon | Hinrich Schütze
Proceedings of the 31st International Conference on Computational Linguistics

Recent studies have shown that post-aligning multilingual pretrained language models (mPLMs) using alignment objectives on both original and transliterated data can improve crosslingual alignment. This improvement further leads to better crosslingual transfer performance. However, it remains unclear how and why a better crosslingual alignment is achieved, as this technique only involves transliterations, and does not use any parallel data. This paper attempts to explicitly evaluate the crosslingual alignment and identify the key elements in transliteration-based approaches that contribute to better performance. For this, we train multiple models under varying setups for two pairs of related languages: (1) Polish and Ukrainian and (2) Hindi and Urdu. To assess alignment, we define four types of similarities based on sentence representations. Our experimental results show that adding transliterations alone improves the overall similarities, even for random sentence pairs. With the help of auxiliary transliteration-based alignment objectives, especially the contrastive objective, the model learns to distinguish matched from random pairs, leading to better crosslingual alignment. However, we also show that better alignment does not always yield better downstream performance, suggesting that further research is needed to clarify the connection between alignment and performance. The code implementation is based on https://github.com/cisnlp/Transliteration-PPA.


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OFA: A Framework of Initializing Unseen Subword Embeddings for Efficient Large-scale Multilingual Continued Pretraining
Yihong Liu | Peiqin Lin | Mingyang Wang | Hinrich Schuetze
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: NAACL 2024

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The Impact of Demonstrations on Multilingual In-Context Learning: A Multidimensional Analysis
Miaoran Zhang | Vagrant Gautam | Mingyang Wang | Jesujoba Alabi | Xiaoyu Shen | Dietrich Klakow | Marius Mosbach
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2024

In-context learning is a popular inference strategy where large language models solve a task using only a few labeled demonstrations without needing any parameter updates. Although there have been extensive studies on English in-context learning, multilingual in-context learning remains under-explored, and we lack an in-depth understanding of the role of demonstrations in this context. To address this gap, we conduct a multidimensional analysis of multilingual in-context learning, experimenting with 5 models from different model families, 9 datasets covering classification and generation tasks, and 56 typologically diverse languages. Our results reveal that the effectiveness of demonstrations varies significantly across models, tasks, and languages. We also find that strong instruction-following models including Llama 2-Chat, GPT-3.5, and GPT-4 are largely insensitive to the quality of demonstrations. Instead, a carefully crafted template often eliminates the benefits of demonstrations for some tasks and languages altogether. These findings show that the importance of demonstrations might be overestimated. Our work highlights the need for granular evaluation across multiple axes towards a better understanding of in-context learning.

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Better Call SAUL: Fluent and Consistent Language Model Editing with Generation Regularization
Mingyang Wang | Lukas Lange | Heike Adel | Jannik Strötgen | Hinrich Schuetze
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2024

To ensure large language models contain up-to-date knowledge, they need to be updated regularly. However, model editing is challenging as it might also affect knowledge that is unrelated to the new data. State-of-the-art methods identify parameters associated with specific knowledge and then modify them via direct weight updates. However, these locate-and-edit methods suffer from heavy computational overhead and lack theoretical validation. In contrast, directly fine-tuning the model on requested edits affects the model’s behavior on unrelated knowledge, and significantly damages the model’s generation fluency and consistency. To address these challenges, we propose SAUL, a streamlined model editing method that uses sentence concatenation with augmented random facts for generation regularization. Evaluations on three model editing benchmarks show that is a practical and reliable solution for model editing outperforming state-of-the-art methods while maintaining generation quality and reducing computational overhead.

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Rehearsal-Free Modular and Compositional Continual Learning for Language Models
Mingyang Wang | Heike Adel | Lukas Lange | Jannik Strötgen | Hinrich Schuetze
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies (Volume 2: Short Papers)

Continual learning aims at incrementally acquiring new knowledge while not forgetting existing knowledge. To overcome catastrophic forgetting, methods are either rehearsal-based, i.e., store data examples from previous tasks for data replay, or isolate parameters dedicated to each task. However, rehearsal-based methods raise privacy and memory issues, and parameter-isolation continual learning does not consider interaction between tasks, thus hindering knowledge transfer. In this work, we propose MoCL, a rehearsal-free **Mo**dular and **C**ompositional Continual **L**earning framework which continually adds new modules to language models and composes them with existing modules. Experiments on various benchmarks show that MoCL outperforms state of the art and effectively facilitates knowledge transfer.

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Learn it or Leave it: Module Composition and Pruning for Continual Learning
Mingyang Wang | Heike Adel | Lukas Lange | Jannik Strötgen | Hinrich Schuetze
Proceedings of the 9th Workshop on Representation Learning for NLP (RepL4NLP-2024)

In real-world environments, continual learning is essential for machine learning models, as they need to acquire new knowledge incrementally without forgetting what they have already learned. While pretrained language models have shown impressive capabilities on various static tasks, applying them to continual learning poses significant challenges, including avoiding catastrophic forgetting, facilitating knowledge transfer, and maintaining parameter efficiency. In this paper, we introduce MoCL-P, a novel lightweight continual learning method that addresses these challenges simultaneously. Unlike traditional approaches that continuously expand parameters for newly arriving tasks, MoCL-P integrates task representation-guided module composition with adaptive pruning, effectively balancing knowledge integration and computational overhead. Our evaluation across three continual learning benchmarks with up to 176 tasks shows that MoCL-P achieves state-of-the-art performance and improves parameter efficiency by up to three times, demonstrating its potential for practical applications where resource requirements are constrained.

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AAdaM at SemEval-2024 Task 1: Augmentation and Adaptation for Multilingual Semantic Textual Relatedness
Miaoran Zhang | Mingyang Wang | Jesujoba Alabi | Dietrich Klakow
Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2024)

This paper presents our system developed for the SemEval-2024 Task 1: Semantic Textual Relatedness for African and Asian Languages. The shared task aims at measuring the semantic textual relatedness between pairs of sentences, with a focus on a range of under-represented languages. In this work, we propose using machine translation for data augmentation to address the low-resource challenge of limited training data. Moreover, we apply task-adaptive pre-training on unlabeled task data to bridge the gap between pre-training and task adaptation. For model training, we investigate both full fine-tuning and adapter-based tuning, and adopt the adapter framework for effective zero-shot cross-lingual transfer. We achieve competitive results in the shared task: our system performs the best among all ranked teams in both subtask A (supervised learning) and subtask C (cross-lingual transfer).


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GradSim: Gradient-Based Language Grouping for Effective Multilingual Training
Mingyang Wang | Heike Adel | Lukas Lange | Jannik Strötgen | Hinrich Schuetze
Proceedings of the 2023 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Most languages of the world pose low-resource challenges to natural language processing models. With multilingual training, knowledge can be shared among languages. However, not all languages positively influence each other and it is an open research question how to select the most suitable set of languages for multilingual training and avoid negative interference among languages whose characteristics or data distributions are not compatible. In this paper, we propose GradSim, a language grouping method based on gradient similarity. Our experiments on three diverse multilingual benchmark datasets show that it leads to the largest performance gains compared to other similarity measures and it is better correlated with cross-lingual model performance. As a result, we set the new state of the art on AfriSenti, a benchmark dataset for sentiment analysis on low-resource African languages. In our extensive analysis, we further reveal that besides linguistic features, the topics of the datasets play an important role for language grouping and that lower layers of transformer models encode language-specific features while higher layers capture task-specific information.

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NLNDE at SemEval-2023 Task 12: Adaptive Pretraining and Source Language Selection for Low-Resource Multilingual Sentiment Analysis
Mingyang Wang | Heike Adel | Lukas Lange | Jannik Strötgen | Hinrich Schütze
Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2023)

This paper describes our system developed for the SemEval-2023 Task 12 “Sentiment Analysis for Low-resource African Languages using Twitter Dataset”. Sentiment analysis is one of the most widely studied applications in natural language processing. However, most prior work still focuses on a small number of high-resource languages. Building reliable sentiment analysis systems for low-resource languages remains challenging, due to the limited training data in this task. In this work, we propose to leverage language-adaptive and task-adaptive pretraining on African texts and study transfer learning with source language selection on top of an African language-centric pretrained language model. Our key findings are: (1) Adapting the pretrained model to the target language and task using a small yet relevant corpus improves performance remarkably by more than 10 F1 score points. (2) Selecting source languages with positive transfer gains during training can avoid harmful interference from dissimilar languages, leading to better results in multilingual and cross-lingual settings. In the shared task, our system wins 8 out of 15 tracks and, in particular, performs best in the multilingual evaluation.