Mohamed Ettaleb


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The contribution of LLMs to relation extraction in the economic field
Mohamed Ettaleb | Mouna Kamel | Nathalie Aussenac-Gilles | Véronique Moriceau
Proceedings of the Joint Workshop of the 9th Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing (FinNLP), the 6th Financial Narrative Processing (FNP), and the 1st Workshop on Large Language Models for Finance and Legal (LLMFinLegal)

Relation Extraction (RE) is a fundamental task in natural language processing, aimed at deducing semantic relationships between entities in a text. Traditional supervised extraction methods relation extraction methods involve training models to annotate tokens representing entity mentions, followed by predicting the relationship between these entities. However, recent advancements have transformed this task into a sequence-to-sequence problem. This involves converting relationships between entities into target string, which are then generated from the input text. Thus, language models now appear as a solution to this task and have already been used in numerous studies, with various levels of refinement, across different domains. The objective of the present study is to evaluate the contribution of large language models (LLM) to the task of relation extraction in a specific domain (in this case, the economic domain), compared to smaller language models. To do this, we considered as a baseline a model based on the BERT architecture, trained in this domain, and four LLM, namely FinGPT specific to the financial domain, XLNet, ChatGLM, and Llama3, which are generalists. All these models were evaluated on the same extraction task, with zero-shot for the general-purpose LLM, as well as refinements through few-shot learning and fine-tuning. The experiments showedthat the best performance in terms of F-score was achieved with fine-tuned LLM, with Llama3 achieving the highest performance.


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Qui de DrBERT, Wikipédia ou Flan-T5 s’y connaît le plus en questions médicales ?
Clément Besnard | Mohamed Ettaleb | Christian Raymond | Nathalie Camelin
Actes de CORIA-TALN 2023. Actes du Défi Fouille de Textes@TALN2023

Ce papier décrit la participation de l’équipe LIUM-IRISA à la campagne d’évaluation DEFT 2023.Notre équipe a participé à la tâche principale. Cette année, celle-ci consiste à la mise en placed’approches afin de répondre automatiquement à des questions à choix multiples. Nous avons mis enplace plusieurs systèmes, un premier avec une base de connaissances, un second système utilisant unmodèle génératif, un système à base de similarité et un dernier système combinant un ensemble dedescripteurs.