Mugizi Rwebangira
Constructing an Alias List for Named Entities during an Event
Anietie Andy
Mark Dredze
Mugizi Rwebangira
Chris Callison-Burch
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text
In certain fields, real-time knowledge from events can help in making informed decisions. In order to extract pertinent real-time knowledge related to an event, it is important to identify the named entities and their corresponding aliases related to the event. The problem of identifying aliases of named entities that spike has remained unexplored. In this paper, we introduce an algorithm, EntitySpike, that identifies entities that spike in popularity in tweets from a given time period, and constructs an alias list for these spiked entities. EntitySpike uses a temporal heuristic to identify named entities with similar context that occur in the same time period (within minutes) during an event. Each entity is encoded as a vector using this temporal heuristic. We show how these entity-vectors can be used to create a named entity alias list. We evaluated our algorithm on a dataset of temporally ordered tweets from a single event, the 2013 Grammy Awards show. We carried out various experiments on tweets that were published in the same time period and show that our algorithm identifies most entity name aliases and outperforms a competitive baseline.
Name Variation in Community Question Answering Systems
Anietie Andy
Satoshi Sekine
Mugizi Rwebangira
Mark Dredze
Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (WNUT)
Name Variation in Community Question Answering Systems Abstract Community question answering systems are forums where users can ask and answer questions in various categories. Examples are Yahoo! Answers, Quora, and Stack Overflow. A common challenge with such systems is that a significant percentage of asked questions are left unanswered. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to reduce the number of unanswered questions in Yahoo! Answers by reusing the answer to the most similar past resolved question to the unanswered question, from the site. Semantically similar questions could be worded differently, thereby making it difficult to find questions that have shared needs. For example, “Who is the best player for the Reds?” and “Who is currently the biggest star at Manchester United?” have a shared need but are worded differently; also, “Reds” and “Manchester United” are used to refer to the soccer team Manchester United football club. In this research, we focus on question categories that contain a large number of named entities and entity name variations. We show that in these categories, entity linking can be used to identify relevant past resolved questions with shared needs as a given question by disambiguating named entities and matching these questions based on the disambiguated entities, identified entities, and knowledge base information related to these entities. We evaluated our algorithm on a new dataset constructed from Yahoo! Answers. The dataset contains annotated question pairs, (Qgiven, [Qpast, Answer]). We carried out experiments on several question categories and show that an entity-based approach gives good performance when searching for similar questions in entity rich categories.
An Entity-Based approach to Answering Recurrent and Non-Recurrent Questions with Past Answers
Anietie Andy
Mugizi Rwebangira
Satoshi Sekine
Proceedings of the Open Knowledge Base and Question Answering Workshop (OKBQA 2016)
An Entity-based approach to Answering recurrent and non-recurrent questions with Past Answers Abstract Community question answering (CQA) systems such as Yahoo! Answers allow registered-users to ask and answer questions in various question categories. However, a significant percentage of asked questions in Yahoo! Answers are unanswered. In this paper, we propose to reduce this percentage by reusing answers to past resolved questions from the site. Specifically, we propose to satisfy unanswered questions in entity rich categories by searching for and reusing the best answers to past resolved questions with shared needs. For unanswered questions that do not have a past resolved question with a shared need, we propose to use the best answer to a past resolved question with similar needs. Our experiments on a Yahoo! Answers dataset shows that our approach retrieves most of the past resolved questions that have shared and similar needs to unanswered questions.