Neil Vacheva


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Advancing Digital Language Equality in Europe: A Market Study and Open-Source Solutions for Multilingual Websites
Andrejs Vasiljevs | Rinalds Vīksna | Neil Vacheva | Andis Lagzdiņš
Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (Volume 1)

The paper presents findings from a comprehensive market study commissioned by the European Commission, aimed at analysing multilinguality of European websites and automated website translation services across various sectors. The findings show that the majority of websites offer content in one or two languages, while only less than 25% of European websites provide content in 3 or more languages. Additionally, we introduce Web-T, a collection of open-source solutions facilitating automated website translation with a help of free MT service eTranslation provided by the European Commission and possibility to integrate other MT providers. Web-T solutions include local plug-ins for Content Management Systems, universal plug-ins, and an MT API Integrator, thus contributing to the broader goal of digital language equality in Europe.