Nicolas Ruiz
FBK’s machine translation and speech translation systems for the IWSLT 2014 evaluation campaign
Nicola Bertoldi
Prashanu Mathur
Nicolas Ruiz
Marcello Federico
Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation: Evaluation Campaign
This paper describes the systems submitted by FBK for the MT and SLT tracks of IWSLT 2014. We participated in the English-French and German-English machine translation tasks, as well as the English-French speech translation task. We report improvements in our English-French MT systems over last year’s baselines, largely due to improved techniques of combining translation and language models, and using huge language models. For our German-English system, we experimented with a novel domain adaptation technique. For both language pairs we also applied a novel word triggerbased model which shows slight improvements on EnglishFrench and German-English systems. Our English-French SLT system utilizes MT-based punctuation insertion, recasing, and ASR-like synthesized MT training data.