Ningxin Peng


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Retaining Key Information under High Compression Ratios: Query-Guided Compressor for LLMs
Zhiwei Cao | Qian Cao | Yu Lu | Ningxin Peng | Luyang Huang | Shanbo Cheng | Jinsong Su
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

The growing popularity of Large Language Models has sparked interest in context compression for Large Language Models (LLMs). However, the performance of previous methods degrades dramatically as compression ratios increase, sometimes even falling to the closed-book level. This decline can be attributed to the loss of key information during the compression process. Our preliminary study supports this hypothesis, emphasizing the significance of retaining key information to maintain model performance under high compression ratios. As a result, we introduce Query-Guided Compressor (QGC), which leverages queries to guide the context compression process, effectively preserving key information within the compressed context. Additionally, we employ a dynamic compression strategy. We validate the effectiveness of our proposed QGC on the Question Answering task, including NaturalQuestions, TriviaQA, and HotpotQA datasets. Experimental results show that QGC can consistently perform well even at high compression ratios, which also offers significant benefits in terms of inference cost and throughput.


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BigVideo: A Large-scale Video Subtitle Translation Dataset for Multimodal Machine Translation
Liyan Kang | Luyang Huang | Ningxin Peng | Peihao Zhu | Zewei Sun | Shanbo Cheng | Mingxuan Wang | Degen Huang | Jinsong Su
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

We present a large-scale video subtitle translation dataset, *BigVideo*, to facilitate the study of multi-modality machine translation. Compared with the widely used *How2* and *VaTeX* datasets, *BigVideo* is more than 10 times larger, consisting of 4.5 million sentence pairs and 9,981 hours of videos. We also introduce two deliberately designed test sets to verify the necessity of visual information: *Ambiguous* with the presence of ambiguous words, and *Unambiguous* in which the text context is self-contained for translation. To better model the common semantics shared across texts and videos, we introduce a contrastive learning method in the cross-modal encoder. Extensive experiments on the *BigVideo* shows that: a) Visual information consistently improves the NMT model in terms of BLEU, BLEURT and COMET on both Ambiguous and Unambiguous test sets. b) Visual information helps disambiguation, compared to the strong text baseline on terminology-targeted scores and human evaluation.