Paramansh Singh
newsSweeper at SemEval-2020 Task 11: Context-Aware Rich Feature Representations for Propaganda Classification
Paramansh Singh
Siraj Sandhu
Subham Kumar
Ashutosh Modi
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation
This paper describes our submissions to SemEval 2020 Task 11: Detection of Propaganda Techniques in News Articles for each of the two subtasks of Span Identification and Technique Classification. We make use of pre-trained BERT language model enhanced with tagging techniques developed for the task of Named Entity Recognition (NER), to develop a system for identifying propaganda spans in the text. For the second subtask, we incorporate contextual features in a pre-trained RoBERTa model for the classification of propaganda techniques. We were ranked 5th in the propaganda technique classification subtask.