Pin-Jie Lin


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Exploring the Effectiveness and Consistency of Task Selection in Intermediate-Task Transfer Learning
Pin-Jie Lin | Miaoran Zhang | Marius Mosbach | Dietrich Klakow
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 4: Student Research Workshop)

Identifying beneficial tasks to transfer from is a critical step toward successful intermediate-task transfer learning. In this work, we experiment with 130 source-target task combinations and demonstrate that the transfer performance exhibits severe variance across different source tasks and training seeds, highlighting the crucial role of intermediate-task selection in a broader context. We compare four representative task selection methods in a unified setup, focusing on their effectiveness and consistency. Compared to embedding-free methods and text embeddings, task embeddings constructed from fine-tuned weights can better estimate task transferability by improving task prediction scores from 2.59% to 3.96%. Despite their strong performance, we observe that the task embeddings do not consistently demonstrate superiority for tasks requiring reasoning abilities. Furthermore, we introduce a novel method that measures pairwise token similarity using maximum inner product search, leading to the highest performance in task prediction. Our findings suggest that token-wise similarity is better predictive for predicting transferability compared to averaging weights.

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Projecting Annotations for Discourse Relations: Connective Identification for Low-Resource Languages
Peter Bourgonje | Pin-Jie Lin
Proceedings of the 5th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Discourse (CODI 2024)

We present a pipeline for multi-lingual Shallow Discourse Parsing. The pipeline exploits Machine Translation and Word Alignment, by translating any incoming non-English input text into English, applying an English discourse parser, and projecting the found relations onto the original input text through word alignments. While the purpose of the pipeline is to provide rudimentary discourse relation annotations for low-resource languages, in order to get an idea of performance, we evaluate it on the sub-task of discourse connective identification for several languages for which gold data are available. We experiment with different setups of our modular pipeline architecture and analyze intermediate results. Our code is made available on GitHub.

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Target-Aware Language Modeling via Granular Data Sampling
Ernie Chang | Pin-Jie Lin | Yang Li | Changsheng Zhao | Daeil Kim | Rastislav Rabatin | Zechun Liu | Yangyang Shi | Vikas Chandra
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Language model pretraining generally targets a broad range of use cases and incorporates data from diverse sources. However, there are instances where we desire a model that excels in specific areas without markedly compromising performance in other areas. A cost-effective and straightforward approach is sampling with low-dimensional data features, which allows selecting large-scale pretraining data for domain-specific use cases. In this work, we revisit importance sampling with n-gram features consisting of multi-granular tokens, which strikes a good balance between sentence compression and representation capabilities. We observed the sampled data to have a high correlation with the target downstream task performance *while preserving its effectiveness on other tasks*. This leads to the proposed data sampling paradigm where language models can be pretrained more efficiently on selected documents. On eight benchmarks we demonstrate with ~1% of the data, pretrained models perform on par with the full RefinedWeb data and outperform randomly selected samples for model sizes ranging from 125M to 1.5B.

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Scaling Parameter-Constrained Language Models with Quality Data
Ernie Chang | Matteo Paltenghi | Yang Li | Pin-Jie Lin | Changsheng Zhao | Patrick Huber | Zechun Liu | Rastislav Rabatin | Yangyang Shi | Vikas Chandra
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track

Scaling laws in language modeling traditionally quantify training loss as a function of dataset size and model parameters, providing compute-optimal estimates but often neglecting the impact of data quality on model generalization.In this paper, we extend the conventional understanding of scaling law by offering a microscopic view of data quality within the original formulation – effective training tokens – which we posit to be a critical determinant of performance for parameter-constrained language models.Specifically, we formulate the proposed term of effective training tokens to be a combination of two readily-computed indicators of text:(i) text diversity and (ii) syntheticity as measured by a teacher model.We pretrained over 200 models of 25M to 1.5B parameters on a diverse set of sampled, synthetic data, and estimated the constants that relate text quality, model size, training tokens, and eight reasoning task accuracy scores.We demonstrated the estimated constants yield +0.83 Pearson correlation with true accuracies, and analyze it in scenarios involving widely-used data techniques such as data sampling and synthesis which aim to improve data quality.

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Modeling Orthographic Variation Improves NLP Performance for Nigerian Pidgin
Pin-Jie Lin | Merel Scholman | Muhammed Saeed | Vera Demberg
Proceedings of the 2024 Joint International Conference on Computational Linguistics, Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC-COLING 2024)

Nigerian Pidgin is an English-derived contact language and is traditionally an oral language, spoken by approximately 100 million people. No orthographic standard has yet been adopted, and thus the few available Pidgin datasets that exist are characterised by noise in the form of orthographic variations. This contributes to under-performance of models in critical NLP tasks. The current work is the first to describe various types of orthographic variations commonly found in Nigerian Pidgin texts, and model this orthographic variation. The variations identified in the dataset form the basis of a phonetic-theoretic framework for word editing, which is used to generate orthographic variations to augment training data. We test the effect of this data augmentation on two critical NLP tasks: machine translation and sentiment analysis. The proposed variation generation framework augments the training data with new orthographic variants which are relevant for the test set but did not occur in the training set originally. Our results demonstrate the positive effect of augmenting the training data with a combination of real texts from other corpora as well as synthesized orthographic variation, resulting in performance improvements of 2.1 points in sentiment analysis and 1.4 BLEU points in translation to English.


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Revisiting Sample Size Determination in Natural Language Understanding
Ernie Chang | Muhammad Hassan Rashid | Pin-Jie Lin | Changsheng Zhao | Vera Demberg | Yangyang Shi | Vikas Chandra
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: ACL 2023

Knowing exactly how many data points need to be labeled to achieve a certain model performance is a hugely beneficial step towards reducing the overall budgets for annotation. It pertains to both active learning and traditional data annotation, and is particularly beneficial for low resource scenarios. Nevertheless, it remains a largely under-explored area of research in NLP. We therefore explored various techniques for estimating the training sample size necessary to achieve a targeted performance value. We derived a simple yet effective approach to predict the maximum achievable model performance based on small amount of training samples – which serves as an early indicator during data annotation for data quality and sample size determination. We performed ablation studies on four language understanding tasks, and showed that the proposed approach allows us to forecast model performance within a small margin of mean absolute error (~0.9%) with only 10% data.


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Two-Stage Movie Script Summarization: An Efficient Method For Low-Resource Long Document Summarization
Dongqi Liu | Xudong Hong | Pin-Jie Lin | Ernie Chang | Vera Demberg
Proceedings of The Workshop on Automatic Summarization for Creative Writing

The Creative Summarization Shared Task at COLING 2022 aspires to generate summaries given long-form texts from creative writing. This paper presents the system architecture and the results of our participation in the Scriptbase track that focuses on generating movie plots given movie scripts. The core innovation in our model employs a two-stage hierarchical architecture for movie script summarization. In the first stage, a heuristic extraction method is applied to extract actions and essential dialogues, which reduces the average length of input movie scripts by 66% from about 24K to 8K tokens. In the second stage, a state-of-the-art encoder-decoder model, Longformer-Encoder-Decoder (LED), is trained with effective fine-tuning methods, BitFit and NoisyTune. Evaluations on the unseen test set indicate that our system outperforms both zero-shot LED baselines as well as other participants on various automatic metrics and ranks 1st in the Scriptbase track.