Pooja Hiranandani
Entity-level Sentiment Analysis in Contact Center Telephone Conversations
Xue-yong Fu
Cheng Chen
Md Tahmid Rahman Laskar
Shayna Gardiner
Pooja Hiranandani
Shashi Bhushan Tn
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing: Industry Track
Entity-level sentiment analysis predicts the sentiment about entities mentioned in a given text. It is very useful in a business context to understand user emotions towards certain entities, such as products or companies. In this paper, we demonstrate how we developed an entity-level sentiment analysis system that analyzes English telephone conversation transcripts in contact centers to provide business insight. We present two approaches, one entirely based on the transformer-based DistilBERT model, and another that uses a neural network supplemented with some heuristic rules.
Developing a Production System for Purpose of Call Detection in Business Phone Conversations
Elena Khasanova
Pooja Hiranandani
Shayna Gardiner
Cheng Chen
Simon Corston-Oliver
Xue-Yong Fu
Proceedings of the 2022 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies: Industry Track
For agents at a contact centre receiving calls, the most important piece of information is the reason for a given call. An agent cannot provide support on a call if they do not know why a customer is calling. In this paper we describe our implementation of a commercial system to detect Purpose of Call statements in English business call transcripts in real time. We present a detailed analysis of types of Purpose of Call statements and language patterns related to them, discuss an approach to collect rich training data by bootstrapping from a set of rules to a neural model, and describe a hybrid model which consists of a transformer-based classifier and a set of rules by leveraging insights from the analysis of call transcripts. The model achieved 88.6 F1 on average in various types of business calls when tested on real life data and has low inference time. We reflect on the challenges and design decisions when developing and deploying the system.
Fix data
- Cheng Chen 2
- Xue-Yong Fu 2
- Shayna Gardiner 2
- Simon Corston-Oliver 1
- Elena Khasanova 1
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