Provia Kadusabe


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UCCNLP@SMM4H’22:Label distribution aware long-tailed learning with post-hoc posterior calibration applied to text classification
Paul Trust | Provia Kadusabe | Ahmed Zahran | Rosane Minghim | Kizito Omala
Proceedings of The Seventh Workshop on Social Media Mining for Health Applications, Workshop & Shared Task

The paper describes our submissions for the Social Media Mining for Health (SMM4H) workshop 2022 shared tasks. We participated in 2 tasks: (1) classification of adverse drug events (ADE) mentions in english tweets (Task-1a) and (2) classification of self-reported intimate partner violence (IPV) on twitter (Task 7). We proposed an approach that uses RoBERTa (A Robustly Optimized BERT Pretraining Approach) fine-tuned with a label distribution-aware margin loss function and post-hoc posterior calibration for robust inference against class imbalance. We achieved a 4% and 1 % increase in performance on IPV and ADE respectively when compared with the traditional fine-tuning strategy with unweighted cross-entropy loss.

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SNLP at TextGraphs 2022 Shared Task: Unsupervised Natural Language Premise Selection in Mathematical Texts Using Sentence-MPNet
Paul Trust | Provia Kadusabe | Haseeb Younis | Rosane Minghim | Evangelos Milios | Ahmed Zahran
Proceedings of TextGraphs-16: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

This paper describes our system for the submission to the TextGraphs 2022 shared task at COLING 2022: Natural Language Premise Selection (NLPS) from mathematical texts. The task of NLPS is about selecting mathematical statements called premises in a knowledge base written in natural language and mathematical formulae that are most likely to be used to prove a particular mathematical proof. We formulated this task as an unsupervised semantic similarity task by first obtaining contextualized embeddings of both the premises and mathematical proofs using sentence transformers. We then obtained the cosine similarity between the embeddings of premises and proofs and then selected premises with the highest cosine scores as the most probable. Our system improves over the baseline system that uses bag of words models based on term frequency inverse document frequency in terms of mean average precision (MAP) by about 23.5% (0.1516 versus 0.1228).