Radu Timofte


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Babel-ImageNet: Massively Multilingual Evaluation of Vision-and-Language Representations
Gregor Geigle | Radu Timofte | Goran Glavaš
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Vision-and-language (VL) models with separate encoders for each modality (e.g., CLIP) have become the go-to models for zero-shot image classification and image-text retrieval. They are, however, mostly evaluated in English as multilingual benchmarks are limited in availability. We introduce Babel-ImageNet, a massively multilingual benchmark that offers (partial) translations of ImageNet labels to 100 languages, built without machine translation or manual annotation. We instead automatically obtain reliable translations by linking them – via shared WordNet synsets – to BabelNet, a massively multilingual lexico-semantic network. We evaluate 11 public multilingual CLIP models on zero-shot image classification (ZS-IC) on our benchmark, demonstrating a significant gap between English ImageNet performance and that of high-resource languages (e.g., German or Chinese), and an even bigger gap for low-resource languages (e.g., Sinhala or Lao). Crucially, we show that the models’ ZS-IC performance highly correlates with their performance in image-text retrieval, validating the use of Babel-imageNet to evaluate multilingual models for the vast majority of languages without gold image-text data. Finally, we show that the performance of multilingual CLIP can be drastically improved for low-resource languages with parameter-efficient language-specific training. We make our code and data publicly available: https://github.com/gregor-ge/Babel-ImageNet

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mBLIP: Efficient Bootstrapping of Multilingual Vision-LLMs
Gregor Geigle | Abhay Jain | Radu Timofte | Goran Glavaš
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research (ALVR)

Modular vision-language models (Vision-LLMs) align pretrained image encoders with (frozen) large language models (LLMs) and post-hoc condition LLMs to ‘understand’ the image input. With the abundance of readily available high-quality English image-text data as well as strong monolingual English LLMs, the research focus has been on English-only Vision-LLMs. Multilingual vision-language models are still predominantly obtained via expensive end-to-end pretraining, resulting in comparatively smaller models, trained on limited multilingual image data supplemented with text-only multilingual corpora. We present mBLIP, the first Vision-LLM leveraging multilingual LLMs, which we obtain in a computationally efficient manner on consumer-level hardware. To this end, we re-align an image encoder previously tuned to an English LLM to a new, multilingual LLM using only a few million multilingual training examples derived from a mix of vision-and-language tasks, which we obtain by machine-translating high-quality English data to 95 languages. On the IGLUE benchmark and XM3600, mBLIP yields results competitive with state-of-the-art models and it greatly outperforms strong English-only Vision-LLMs like Llava 1.5. We release our model, code, and train data at https://github.com/gregor-ge/mBLIP.

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Improving Vision-Language Cross-Lingual Transfer with Scheduled Unfreezing
Max Reinhardt | Gregor Geigle | Radu Timofte | Goran Glavaš
Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Advances in Language and Vision Research (ALVR)

Large-scale pretraining of vision-language (VL) models brought dramatic improvements across numerous tasks, from visual question-answering to cross-modal retrieval but these gains are mostly limited to English. Massively multilingual VL encoder models (mVLMs) hold promise for other languages: after fine-tuning on only English task data, they can perform the task in other languages in what is termed zero-shot cross-lingual transfer (ZS-XLT). Still, ZS-XLT sees a large performance gap to English, especially for low-resource languages. In this work, we reduce this gap with a fine-tuning strategy known as Scheduled Unfreezing (SUF): instead of updating all parameters from the start, we begin with the top layer(s) of the vision-language encoder and gradually unfreeze (i.e., update) its layers top to bottom. SUF forces reliance on encoder’s representations from higher layers: the fact that in multilingual models these representations encode higher-level semantics rather than low-level language-specific idiosyncrasies, we hypothesize, should render SUF beneficial for ZS-XLT. Experiments with two mVLMs (UC2 & CCLM) on three downstream tasks (xGQA, XVNLI, xFlickrCo) show that SUF brings consistent gains in ZS-XLT, especially for visual Q&A (xGQA) by up to 10 points.

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African or European Swallow? Benchmarking Large Vision-Language Models for Fine-Grained Object Classification
Gregor Geigle | Radu Timofte | Goran Glavaš
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Recent Large Vision-Language Models (LVLMs) demonstrate impressive abilities on numerous image understanding and reasoning tasks. The task of fine-grained object classification (e.g., distinction between animal species), however, has been probed insufficiently, despite its downstream importance. We fill this evaluation gap by creating FOCI (Fine-grained Object ClassIfication), a difficult multiple-choice benchmark for fine-grained object classification, from existing object classification datasets: (1) multiple-choice avoids ambiguous answers associated with casting classification as open-ended QA task; (2) we retain classification difficulty by mining negative labels with a CLIP model. FOCI complements five popular classification datasets with four domain-specific subsets from ImageNet-21k. We benchmark 12 public LVLMs on and show that it tests for a complementary skill to established image understanding and reasoning benchmarks. Crucially, CLIP models exhibit dramatically better performance than LVLMs. Since the image encoders of LVLMs come from these CLIP models, this points to inadequate alignment for fine-grained object distinction between the encoder and the LLM and warrants (pre)training data with more fine-grained annotation. We release our code at ANONYMIZED.

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Does Object Grounding Really Reduce Hallucination of Large Vision-Language Models?
Gregor Geigle | Radu Timofte | Goran Glavaš
Proceedings of the 2024 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing

Large vision-language models (LVLMs) have recently dramatically pushed the state of the art in image captioning and many image understanding tasks (e.g., visual question answering). LVLMs, however, often hallucinate and produce captions that mention concepts that cannot be found in the image. These hallucinations erode the trustworthiness of LVLMs and are arguably among the main obstacles to their ubiquitous adoption. Recent work suggests that addition of grounding objectives—those that explicitly align image regions or objects to text spans—reduces the amount of LVLM hallucination. Although intuitive, this claim is not empirically justified as the reduction effects have been established, we argue, with flawed evaluation protocols that (i) rely on data (i.e., MSCOCO) that has been extensively used in LVLM training and (ii) measure hallucination via question answering rather than open-ended caption generation.In this work, in contrast, we offer the first systematic analysis of the effect of fine-grained object grounding on LVLM hallucination under an evaluation protocol that more realistically captures LVLM hallucination in open generation. Our extensive experiments over three backbone LLMs reveal that grounding objectives have little to no effect on object hallucination in open caption generation.