Renzhi Wang


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Semantic are Beacons: A Semantic Perspective for Unveiling Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning in Knowledge Learning
Renzhi Wang | Piji Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics ACL 2024

Parameter-Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) methods enable efficient adaptation of Large Language Models (LLMs) to various downstream applications. However, the effectiveness of the PEFT diminishes notably when downstream tasks require accurate learning of specific knowledge. In this paper, we adopt a semantic perspective to investigate this phenomenon, uncovering the reasons behind PEFT’s limitations in knowledge learning task. Our findings reveals that: (1) PEFT presents a notable risk of pushing the model away from the intended knowledge target; (2) multiple knowledge interfere with each other, and such interference suppresses the learning and expression of knowledge features. Based on these insights, we introduce a data filtering strategy to exclude data that is detrimental to knowledge learning and a re-weighted learning strategy to make the model attentive to semantic distance during knowledge learning. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method on open-source large language model, further validate the semantic challenge in PEFT, thus paving the way for future research.


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InfoDiffusion: Information Entropy Aware Diffusion Process for Non-Autoregressive Text Generation
Renzhi Wang | Jing Li | Piji Li
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Diffusion models have garnered considerable interest in the field of text generation. Several studies have explored text diffusion models with different structures and applied them to various tasks, including named entity recognition and summarization. However, there exists a notable disparity between the “easy-first” text generation process of current diffusion models and the “keyword-first” natural text generation process of humans, which has received limited attention. To bridge this gap, we propose InfoDiffusion, a non-autoregressive text diffusion model. Our approach introduces a “keyinfo-first” generation strategy and incorporates a noise schedule based on the amount of text information. In addition, InfoDiffusion combines self-conditioning with a newly proposed partially noising model structure. Experimental results show that InfoDiffusion outperforms the baseline model in terms of generation quality and diversity, as well as exhibiting higher sampling efficiency.