Robin P. Fawcett
Implementing an Integration of the Systemic Flowchart Model of Dialogue and Rhetorical Structure Theory
Yuen Q. Lin
Robin P. Fawcett
Eighth International Natural Language Generation Workshop (Posters and Demonstrations)
On Moving On On Ontologies
Robin P. Fawcett
Proceedings of the Seventh International Workshop on Natural Language Generation
Probabilistic Incremental Parsing in Systemic Functional Grammar
A. Ruvan Weerasinghe
Robin P. Fawcett
Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Parsing Technologies
Book Reviews: A Theory of Computer Semiotics: Semiotic Approaches to Construction and Assessment of Computer Systems
Robin P. Fawcett
Computational Linguistics, Volume 18, Number 4, December 1992
The Communal Project: How to get from Semantics to Syntax
Robin P. Fawcett
Gordon H. Tucker
Yuen Lin
COLING 1992 Volume 4: The 14th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
Demonstration of Genesys: A Very Large, Semantically Based Systemic Functional Generator
Robin P. Fawcett
Gordon H. Tucker
COLING 1990 Volume 1: Papers presented to the 13th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
The Computer Generation of Speech with Discoursally and Semantically Motivated Intonation
Robin P. Fawcett
Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation