Ronan G. Reilly
Also published as: Ronan Reilly
Writing to Read: the Case of Chinese
Qi Zhang
Ronan Reilly
Proceedings of the 29th Pacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation
Automating XML markup of text documents
Shazia Akhtar
Ronan G. Reilly
John Dunnion
Companion Volume of the Proceedings of HLT-NAACL 2003 - Short Papers
Framework for a Model of Dialogue
Ronan Reilly
Giacomo Ferrari
Irina Prodanof
Coling Budapest 1988 Volume 2: International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A Two-Level Dialogue Representation
Giacomo Ferrari
Ronan Reilly
Coling 1986 Volume 1: The 11th International Conference on Computational Linguistics
A Connectionist Model of Some Aspects of Anaphor Resolution
Ronan G. Reilly
10th International Conference on Computational Linguistics and 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics