Ronja Utescher


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WikiScenes with Descriptions: Aligning Paragraphs and Sentences with Images in Wikipedia Articles
Özge Alaçam | Ronja Utescher | Hannes Grönner | Judith Sieker | Sina Zarrieß
Proceedings of the 13th Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM 2024)

Research in Language & Vision rarely uses naturally occurring multimodal documents as Wikipedia articles, since they feature complex image-text relations and implicit image-text alignments. In this paper, we provide one of the first datasets that provides ground-truth annotations of image-text alignments in multi-paragraph multi-image articles. The dataset can be used to study phenomena of visual language grounding in longer documents and assess retrieval capabilities of language models trained on, e.g., captioning data. Our analyses show that there are systematic linguistic differences between the image captions and descriptive sentences from the article’s text and that intra-document retrieval is a challenging task for state-of-the-art models in L&V (CLIP, VILT, MCSE).


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What Did This Castle Look like before? Exploring Referential Relations in Naturally Occurring Multimodal Texts
Ronja Utescher | Sina Zarrieß
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Beyond Vision and LANguage: inTEgrating Real-world kNowledge (LANTERN)

Multi-modal texts are abundant and diverse in structure, yet Language & Vision research of these naturally occurring texts has mostly focused on genres that are comparatively light on text, like tweets. In this paper, we discuss the challenges and potential benefits of a L&V framework that explicitly models referential relations, taking Wikipedia articles about buildings as an example. We briefly survey existing related tasks in L&V and propose multi-modal information extraction as a general direction for future research.


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Visual TTR - Modelling Visual Question Answering in Type Theory with Records
Ronja Utescher
Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Computational Semantics - Student Papers

In this paper, I will describe a system that was developed for the task of Visual Question Answering. The system uses the rich type universe of Type Theory with Records (TTR) to model both the utterances about the image, the image itself and classifications made related to the two. At its most basic, the decision of whether any given predicate can be assigned to an object in the image is delegated to a CNN. Consequently, images can be judged as evidence for propositions. The end result is a model whose application of perceptual classifiers to a given image is guided by the accompanying utterance.