How to better evaluate the capabilities of Large Language Models (LLMs) is the focal point and hot topic in current LLMs research. Previous work has noted that due to the extremely high cost of iterative updates of LLMs, they are often unable to answer the latest dynamic questions well. To promote the improvement of Chinese LLMs’ ability to answer dynamic questions, in this paper, we introduce CDQA, a Chinese Dynamic QA benchmark containing question-answer pairs related to the latest news on the Chinese Internet. We obtain high-quality data through a pipeline that combines humans and models, and carefully classify the samples according to the frequency of answer changes to facilitate a more fine-grained observation of LLMs’ capabilities. We have also evaluated and analyzed mainstream and advanced Chinese LLMs on CDQA. Extensive experiments and valuable insights suggest that our proposed CDQA is challenging and worthy of more further study. We believe that the benchmark we provide will become one of the key data resources for improving LLMs’ Chinese question-answering ability in the future.
Chinese geographic re-ranking task aims to find the most relevant addresses among retrieved candidates, which is crucial for location-related services such as navigation maps. Unlike the general sentences, Chinese geographic contexts are closely intertwined with geographical concepts, from general spans (e.g., province) to specific spans (e.g., road). Given this feature, we propose an innovative framework, namely Geo-Encoder, to more effectively integrate Chinese geographical semantics into re-ranking pipelines. Our methodology begins by employing off-the-shelf tools to associate text with geographical spans, treating them as chunking units. Then, we present a multi-task learning module to simultaneously acquire an effective attention matrix that determines chunk contributions to geographic representations. Furthermore, we put forth an asynchronous update mechanism for the proposed task, aiming to guide the model to focus on specific chunks. Experiments on two Chinese benchmark datasets, show that the Geo-Encoder achieves significant improvements when compared to state-of-the-art baselines. Notably, it leads to a substantial improvement in the Hit@1 score of MGEO-BERT, increasing it by 6.22% from 62.76 to 68.98 on the GeoTES dataset.
Multiple pre-training objectives fill the vacancy of the understanding capability of single-objective language modeling, which serves the ultimate purpose of pre-trained language models (PrLMs), generalizing well on a mass of scenarios. However, learning multiple training objectives in a single model is challenging due to the unknown relative significance as well as the potential contrariety between them. Empirical studies have shown that the current objective sampling in an ad-hoc manual setting makes the learned language representation barely converge to the desired optimum. Thus, we propose MOMETAS, a novel adaptive sampler based on meta-learning, which learns the latent sampling pattern on arbitrary pre-training objectives. Such a design is lightweight with negligible additional training overhead. To validate our approach, we adopt five objectives and conduct continual pre-training with BERT-base and BERT-large models, where MOMETAS demonstrates universal performance gain over other rule-based sampling strategies on 14 natural language processing tasks.
Supervised approaches to named entity recognition (NER) are largely developed based on the assumption that the training data is fully annotated with named entity information. However, in practice, annotated data can often be imperfect with one typical issue being the training data may contain incomplete annotations. We highlight several pitfalls associated with learning under such a setup in the context of NER and identify limitations associated with existing approaches, proposing a novel yet easy-to-implement approach for recognizing named entities with incomplete data annotations. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach through extensive experiments.
Gazetteers were shown to be useful resources for named entity recognition (NER). Many existing approaches to incorporating gazetteers into machine learning based NER systems rely on manually defined selection strategies or handcrafted templates, which may not always lead to optimal effectiveness, especially when multiple gazetteers are involved. This is especially the case for the task of Chinese NER, where the words are not naturally tokenized, leading to additional ambiguities. To automatically learn how to incorporate multiple gazetteers into an NER system, we propose a novel approach based on graph neural networks with a multi-digraph structure that captures the information that the gazetteers offer. Experiments on various datasets show that our model is effective in incorporating rich gazetteer information while resolving ambiguities, outperforming previous approaches.