Salman Khan


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XrayGPT: Chest Radiographs Summarization using Large Medical Vision-Language Models
Omkar Chakradhar Thawakar | Abdelrahman M. Shaker | Sahal Shaji Mullappilly | Hisham Cholakkal | Rao Muhammad Anwer | Salman Khan | Jorma Laaksonen | Fahad Khan
Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing

The latest breakthroughs in large language models (LLMs) and vision-language models (VLMs) have showcased promising capabilities toward performing a wide range of tasks. Such models are typically trained on massive datasets comprising billions of image-text pairs with diverse tasks. However, their performance on task-specific domains, such as radiology, is still under-explored. While few works have recently explored LLMs-based conversational medical models, they mainly focus on text-based analysis. In this paper, we introduce XrayGPT, a conversational medical vision-language (VLMs) model that can analyze and answer open-ended questions about chest radiographs. Specifically, we align both medical visual encoder with a fine-tuned LLM to possess visual conversation abilities, grounded in an understanding of radiographs and medical knowledge. For improved alignment of chest radiograph data, we generate ~217k interactive and high-quality summaries from free-text radiology reports. Extensive experiments are conducted to validate the merits of XrayGPT. To conduct an expert evaluation, certified medical doctors evaluated the output of our XrayGPT on a test subset and the results reveal that more than 70% of the responses are scientifically accurate, with an average score of 4/5. We hope our simple and effective method establishes a solid baseline, facilitating future research toward automated analysis and summarization of chest radiographs. Code, models, and instruction sets will be publicly released.

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Video-ChatGPT: Towards Detailed Video Understanding via Large Vision and Language Models
Muhammad Maaz | Hanoona Rasheed | Salman Khan | Fahad Khan
Proceedings of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers)

Conversation agents fueled by Large Language Models (LLMs) are providing a new way to interact with visual data. While there have been initial attempts for image-based conversation models, this work addresses the under-explored field of video-based conversation by introducing Video-ChatGPT. It is a multimodal model that merges a video-adapted visual encoder with an LLM. The resulting model is capable of understanding and generating detailed conversations about videos. We introduce a new dataset of 100,000 video-instruction pairs used to train Video-ChatGPT acquired via manual and semi-automated pipeline that is easily scalable and robust to label noise. We also develop a quantitative evaluation framework for video-based dialogue models to objectively analyze the strengths and weaknesses of video-based dialogue models. Code:


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Arabic Mini-ClimateGPT : A Climate Change and Sustainability Tailored Arabic LLM
Sahal Mullappilly | Abdelrahman Shaker | Omkar Thawakar | Hisham Cholakkal | Rao Anwer | Salman Khan | Fahad Khan
Findings of the Association for Computational Linguistics: EMNLP 2023

Climate change is one of the most significant challenges we face together as a society. Creating awareness and educating policy makers the wide-ranging impact of climate change is an essential step towards a sustainable future. Recently, Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and Bard have shown impressive conversational abilities and excel in a wide variety of NLP tasks. While these models are close-source, recently alternative open-source LLMs such as Stanford Alpaca and Vicuna have shown promising results. However, these open-source models are not specifically tailored for climate related domain specific information and also struggle to generate meaningful responses in other languages such as, Arabic. To this end, we propose a light-weight Arabic Mini-ClimateGPT that is built on an open-source LLM and is specifically fine-tuned on a conversational-style instruction tuning curated Arabic dataset Clima500-Instruct with over 500k instructions about climate change and sustainability. Further, our model also utilizes a vector embedding based retrieval mechanism during inference. We validate our proposed model through quantitative and qualitative evaluations on climate-related queries. Our model surpasses the baseline LLM in 88.3% of cases during ChatGPT-based evaluation. Furthermore, our human expert evaluation reveals an 81.6% preference for our model’s responses over multiple popular open-source models. Our open-source demos, models and curated instruction sets are available here :