Sandra Bellato


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The Financial Document Structure Extraction Shared Task (FinTOC 2022)
Juyeon Kang | Abderrahim Ait Azzi | Sandra Bellato | Blanca Carbajo Coronado | Mahmoud El-Haj | Ismail El Maarouf | Mei Gan | Ana Gisbert | Antonio Moreno Sandoval
Proceedings of the 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop @LREC2022

This paper describes the FinTOC-2022 Shared Task on the structure extraction from financial documents, its participants results and their findings. This shared task was organized as part of The 4th Financial Narrative Processing Workshop (FNP 2022), held jointly at The 13th Edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC 2022), Marseille, France (El-Haj et al., 2022). This shared task aimed to stimulate research in systems for extracting table-of-contents (TOC) from investment documents (such as financial prospectuses) by detecting the document titles and organizing them hierarchically into a TOC. For the forth edition of this shared task, three subtasks were presented to the participants: one with English documents, one with French documents and the other one with Spanish documents. This year, we proposed a different and revised dataset for English and French compared to the previous editions of FinTOC and a new dataset for Spanish documents was added. The task attracted 6 submissions for each language from 4 teams, and the most successful methods make use of textual, structural and visual features extracted from the documents and propose classification models for detecting titles and TOCs for all of the subtasks.


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FinSim-3: The 3rd Shared Task on Learning Semantic Similarities for the Financial Domain
Juyeon Kang | Ismail El Maarouf | Sandra Bellato | Mei Gan
Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Financial Technology and Natural Language Processing

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The Financial Document Structure Extraction Shared Task (FinTOC2021)
Ismail El Maarouf | Juyeon Kang | Abderrahim Ait Azzi | Sandra Bellato | Mei Gan | Mahmoud El-Haj
Proceedings of the 3rd Financial Narrative Processing Workshop


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Vers la traduction automatique d’adverbiaux temporels du français vers la langue des signes française (Towards the automatic translation of temporal adverbials from French to French sign language)
Sandra Bellato
Actes de la Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) PFIA 2019. Volume III : RECITAL

Nous présentons ici de premiers travaux abordant la question de règles de passage entre deux formalismes décrivant la sémantique d’adverbiaux temporels respectivement pour le français et pour la Langue des Signes Française (LSF). Ces travaux prennent place dans une visée de traduction automatique d’une langue vers l’autre. Nous nous appuyons sur un corpus rassemblant 95 adverbiaux temporels du français traduits par trois locuteurs de la LSF.